%0杂志文章%@ 2561- 7605% I JMIR出版物%V 5%卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 N 3% P e33845% T老年人智能手表计步应用程序:开发与评估研究%A博阿滕,乔治%A彼得森,柯蒂斯L %A Kotz,大卫A Fortuna,Karen L %A Masutani,丽贝卡A Batsis,约翰A +老年医学部,北卡罗来纳大学教堂山医学院,5017旧诊所大楼,教堂山,北卡罗来纳,27599,美国,1919843 4096,john.batsis@gmail.com %K步数跟踪%K步数计算%K计步器%K可穿戴式%K智能手表%K老年人%K体力活动%K机器学习%K步行%K mHealth %K移动健康%K移动应用程序%K移动应用程序%K应用程序%K uHealth %D 2022 %7 10.8.2022 %9原始论文%J JMIR老化%G英语%X背景:从事体力活动的老年人可以降低行动障碍和残疾的风险。短时间的步行可以改善生活质量、身体功能和心血管健康。为了鼓励老年人参加体育活动,已经实施了各种各样的项目,但保持他们的积极性仍然是一个挑战。手机和智能手表等无处不在的设备,再加上机器学习算法,可能会鼓励老年人更多地锻炼身体。目前部署在消费设备(如Fitbit)中的算法是专有的,通常不适合老年人的运动,并且已被证明在临床环境中不准确。已经为智能手表开发了计算步数的算法,但只使用来自年轻人的数据,而且通常只在受控的实验室环境中进行了验证。目的:我们试图为老年人开发和验证一款智能手表计步应用程序,并在自由生活环境中长期评估该算法。方法:我们在开源腕戴设备(Amulet)上开发并评估了一款老年人计算步数的应用程序。 The app includes algorithms to infer the level of physical activity and to count steps. We validated the step-counting algorithm in the lab (counting steps from a video recording, n=20) and in free-living conditions—one 2-day field study (n=6) and two 12-week field studies (using the Fitbit as ground truth, n=16). During app system development, we evaluated 4 walking patterns: normal, fast, up and down a staircase, and intermittent speed. For the field studies, we evaluated 5 different cut-off values for the algorithm, using correlation and error rate as the evaluation metrics. Results: The step-counting algorithm performed well. In the lab study, for normal walking (R2=0.5), there was a stronger correlation between the Amulet steps and the video-validated steps; for all activities, the Amulet’s count was on average 3.2 (2.1%) steps lower (SD 25.9) than the video-validated count. For the 2-day field study, the best parameter settings led to an association between Amulet and Fitbit (R2=0.989) and 3.1% (SD 25.1) steps lower than Fitbit, respectively. For the 12-week field study, the best parameter setting led to an R2 value of 0.669. Conclusions: Our findings demonstrate the importance of an iterative process in algorithm development before field-based deployment. This work highlights various challenges and insights involved in developing and validating monitoring systems in real-world settings. Nonetheless, our step-counting app for older adults had good performance relative to the ground truth (a commercial Fitbit step counter). Our app could potentially be used to help improve physical activity among older adults. %M 35947445 %R 10.2196/33845 %U https://aging.www.mybigtv.com/2022/3/e33845 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/33845 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35947445