在长期护理机构探视限制期间,使用数字技术维持老年人的社会关系;卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析范围综述:综述%A Lemaire, c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *实施数字技术以解决COVID-19大流行期间长期护理机构居民社交需求中断的问题。需要对这一主题进行文献综述,以告知公共政策、设施管理人员、家庭护理人员、护士和相关卫生专业人员,这些专业人员参与调解居民使用数字设备的社会关系。目的:我们的研究概述了在大流行相关访问限制期间发表的文章中的关键概念、方法、结果、问题和差距。方法:根据PRISMA-ScR(首选报告项目用于系统评价和meta分析扩展范围评价)协议,通过搜索3个数据库聚合平台(EBSCO、ProQuest和PubMed),在2020年初至2021年6月底(限制最严格的时候)在同行评议期刊上发表的研究,进行范围评价。我们纳入了定性和定量研究、评论、评论、观点和给法语或英语编辑的信函,重点关注数字技术,旨在支持长期护理机构居民在与大流行相关的探视限制期间的社会联系。结果:在筛选的763篇文章中,有29篇符合我们的选择标准。对于每一项研究,我们对(1)作者、标题和发表日期进行了描述;(二)第一作者所在国家; (3) research fields; (4) article type; and (5) type of technology mentioned. The analysis distinguished 3 main themes emerging from the literature: (1) impact and expectations of remote social contact on the physical and mental health and well-being of the residents (n=12), (2) with whom or what the social contact took place (n=17), and (3) limitations and barriers to significant social contact related to digital technologies (n=14). The results first underlined the highly positive impact expected by the authors of the digital technologies on health and quality of life of residents of long-term care facilities. Second, they highlighted the plurality of ties to consider, since social contact takes place not only with family caregivers to maintain contact but also for other purposes (end-of-life videoconferences) and with other types of contact (eg, with staff and robots). Third, they exposed the limitations and barriers to significant contact using digital technologies and outlined the required conditions to enable them. Conclusions: The review demonstrated the opportunities and risks outlined by the literature about the implementation of digital technologies to support remote social contact. It showed the plurality of ties to consider and revealed the need to evaluate the positive impact of remote contact from the residents’ perspectives. Therefore, to go beyond the risk of digital solutionism, there is a need for studies considering the holistic impact on health regarding the implementation of digital technologies, including the meaning residents give to interpersonal exchanges and the organizational constraints. Trial Registration: OSF Registries osf.io/yhpx3; https://osf.io/yhpx3 %M 36599164 %R 10.2196/38593 %U https://aging.www.mybigtv.com/2023/1/e38593 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/38593 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36599164