老年痴呆症患者的生理远程监测研究进展卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析一个观察性队列研究%大卫,迈克尔·C B % Kolanko马格达莱纳德尔Giovane %,玛蒂娜%赖,海伦%真实,杰西卡%比尔,艾米丽%,卢西亚M % Nilforooshan,白木% Barnaghi, Payam %一个Malhotra Paresh % Rostill,海伦%温菲尔德,大卫%威尔逊,丹尼尔%丹尼尔斯,莎拉%急剧,David J %斯科特,格雷戈里·% +英国痴呆研究所保健研究和技术中心,伦敦帝国理工学院9号楼,油状虫迈克尔爵士中心,86木巷,伦敦,W12 0,英国,44 (0)207 594 9010, gregory.scott99@ic.ac.uk %K痴呆%K远程监测%K生理%K物联网%K警报%K监测%K技术%K检测%K血压%K支持%K可行性%K系统%K生活质量%D 2023 [J] JMIR衰老研究背景:物联网(IoT)技术使痴呆症患者的生理测量能够在家中记录并远程监测。然而,在这种情况下,痴呆症患者的测量结果以前没有研究过。我们报告了82名痴呆症患者在大约2年内的生理测量分布。目的:我们的目的是描述痴呆症患者在自己家中测量时的生理特征。我们还想探索一种基于警报的系统用于检测健康恶化的可能性,并讨论这种系统的潜在应用和局限性。方法:我们使用我们的物联网远程监测平台“Minder”对痴呆症患者进行了一项纵向社区队列研究。所有痴呆患者都得到了测量收缩压和舒张压的血压仪、测量氧饱和度和心率的脉搏血氧仪、体重秤和温度计,并被要求每天在任何时间使用这些设备一次。检查了测量中的时间、分布和异常,包括由各种标准化标准定义的显著异常(“警报”)的比率。 We used our own study criteria for alerts and compared them with the National Early Warning Score 2 criteria. Results: A total of 82 people with dementia, with a mean age of 80.4 (SD 7.8) years, recorded 147,203 measurements over 958,000 participant-hours. The median percentage of days when any participant took any measurements (ie, any device) was 56.2% (IQR 33.2%-83.7%, range 2.3%-100%). Reassuringly, engagement of people with dementia with the system did not wane with time, reflected in there being no change in the weekly number of measurements with respect to time (1-sample t-test on slopes of linear fit, P=.45). A total of 45% of people with dementia met criteria for hypertension. People with dementia with α-synuclein–related dementia had lower systolic blood pressure; 30% had clinically significant weight loss. Depending on the criteria used, 3.03%-9.46% of measurements generated alerts, at 0.066-0.233 per day per person with dementia. We also report 4 case studies, highlighting the potential benefits and challenges of remote physiological monitoring in people with dementia. These include case studies of people with dementia developing acute infections and one of a person with dementia developing symptomatic bradycardia while taking donepezil. Conclusions: We present findings from a study of the physiology of people with dementia recorded remotely on a large scale. People with dementia and their carers showed acceptable compliance throughout, supporting the feasibility of the system. Our findings inform the development of technologies, care pathways, and policies for IoT-based remote monitoring. We show how IoT-based monitoring could improve the management of acute and chronic comorbidities in this clinically vulnerable group. Future randomized trials are required to establish if a system like this has measurable long-term benefits on health and quality of life outcomes. %M 36892931 %R 10.2196/43777 %U https://aging.www.mybigtv.com/2023/1/e43777 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/43777 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36892931