@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/43150,作者=“Nguyen-Truong, Yen Connie Kim和Waters, F. Sara和Richardson, Meenakshi和Barrow, Natasha和Seia, Joseph和Eti, U. Deborah和Rodela, Funchess Keara”,标题=“反种族主义的基于社区的参与性研究,与服务于移民和边缘社区的组织,包括美国太平洋西北地区的亚裔美国人和夏威夷原住民/太平洋岛民:《关键信息来源的定性描述研究》,期刊=《亚裔美国人》,年=“2023”,月=“一月”,日=“11”,卷=“7”,页=“e43150”,关键词=“亚裔美国人”,关键词=“夏威夷原住民/太平洋岛民”,关键词=“社区参与性研究”,关键词=“定性描述”,关键词=“联盟”,关键词=“反种族主义”,关键词=“种族歧视”,关键词=“基于种族的压力”,关键词=“种族创伤”,关键词=“COVID-19”,摘要=“背景:亚裔美国人(AA)社区领导人、夏威夷原住民/太平洋岛民(NH/PI)社区领导人和美国太平洋西北地区的盟友对AA社区和NH/PI社区的家庭和儿童经历和目睹仇外和种族主义行为表示关注。这可能会造成种族创伤。长期汇总AA和NH/PI数据的做法有助于消除数据,并使促进卫生公平(如资源分配)具有挑战性。根据AAPI Data在2022年6月发布的期待已久的报告,美国有超过2400万名AAs和160万名NHs/ pi,在2010年至2020年期间分别增长了40%和30%。慈善投资没有跟上这种实质性的增长。美国国家科学院、工程院和医学院强调,需要建立有效的伙伴关系,在反种族主义和系统层面的研究中促进个人和社区的健康和福祉。目的:这项以社区为基础的参与性研究定性描述研究的目的是确定对种族歧视、种族压力和种族创伤的看法和经验;代际治愈和恢复能力; and sharing the body with science from key informants of an academic and community partnership to inform antiracism coalition work. This partnership includes academic researchers and community leaders from community-based organizations and a health care organization serving immigrant and marginalized communities, including AAs and NHs/PIs in the United States Pacific Northwest. Methods: In total, 10 key informants joined 1 of 2 participatory group discussions via videoconference for 2 hours in 2022. We used a semistructured and open-ended group interview guide. A qualitative participatory group-level assessment was conducted with the key informants and transcribed. Interpretations and meanings of the main points and the main themes were reflected upon, clarified, and verified with the key informants in real time. The field note--based data transcripts were manually coded using conventional content analysis. Reflexivity was used. Results: There were 6 main themes: prejudice plus power in racism definition and working in solidarity to counter lateral oppression/false sense of security, microaggression as multilayers, ``not assimilationist by nature'' and responding differently to white superiority, intergenerational- and identity-related trauma, what is healing among People of Color and through a lens of resiliency and intergenerational connection and knowledge, and mistrust and fear in the research and health care systems surrounding intentions of the body. Conclusions: The themes highlight the importance of internal and intergenerational healing from racial trauma and the need for solidarity among communities of color to combat white supremacy and colonization. This work was foundational in an ongoing effort to dismantle racism and uplift the community voice through a cross-sector academic and community partnership to inform antiracism coalition work. ", doi="10.2196/43150", url="https://apinj.www.mybigtv.com/2023/1/e43150" } @Article{info:doi/10.2196/39760, author="Bai, Jinbing and Zhang, Wenhui and Choi, Daesung and Kim, Sangmi", title="Methodology Considerations in Studying Mental Health, Sleep Quality, and Biopsychosocial Determinants Among Chinese and Korean Americans During the COVID-19 Pandemic", journal="Asian Pac Isl Nurs J", year="2022", month="Aug", day="26", volume="6", number="1", pages="e39760", keywords="Asian American", keywords="gut microbiome", keywords="mental health", keywords="methodology", keywords="sleep disturbance", keywords="COVID-19", abstract="International Registered Report Identifier (IRRID): RR2-10.1136/bmjopen-2020-047281 ", doi="10.2196/39760", url="https://apinj.www.mybigtv.com/2022/1/e39760", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36186662" }