[0]期刊文章%@ 2561- 3278% JMIR出版物% v6 %卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析N 4 %P e28920% T理解“大气”,个人大气暴露;综合方法%A Bhimaraju,Hari %A Nag,Nitish %A Pandey,Vaibhav %A Jain,Ramesh %+ Donald Bren加利福尼亚大学信息与计算机科学学院,Donald Bren Hall, 6210,加州欧文,92697,美国,1999824 7427,hari.bhimaraju@columbia.edu %K暴露体%K暴露组%K个人健康%K室内空气质量%K健康状态估计%K健康信息学%K公共卫生政策%K流行病学%K嵌入式系统%K物联网%D背景:现代环境卫生研究广泛关注室外空气污染物及其对公众健康的影响。然而,对个人室内空气质量的监测和改善研究还很缺乏。暴露学领域包括人类环境暴露的全部及其对健康的影响。这种暴露的一个子集涉及大气暴露,称为“大气”。大气在健康中起着关键作用,对DNA、新陈代谢、皮肤完整性和肺部健康有显著影响。目的:研制一种低成本、综合的大气因子采集与分析测量系统。本研究探讨了氛围在公共卫生个性化和预防性护理中的意义。方法:介绍并演示了一种基于物联网单片机的系统。 The system collects real-time indoor air quality data and posts it to the cloud for immediate access. Results: The experimental results yield air quality measurements with an accuracy of 90% when compared with precalibrated commercial devices and demonstrate a direct correlation between lifestyle and air quality. Conclusions: Quantifying the individual atmosome is a monumental step in advancing personalized health, medical research, and epidemiological research. The 2 main goals in this work are to present the atmosome as a measurable concept and to demonstrate how to implement it using low-cost electronics. By enabling atmosome measurements at a communal scale, this work also opens up potential new directions for public health research. Researchers will now have the data to model the impact of indoor air pollutants on the health of individuals, communities, and specific demographics, leading to novel approaches for predicting and preventing diseases. %R 10.2196/28920 %U https://biomedeng.www.mybigtv.com/2021/4/e28920 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/28920