@文章{info:doi/10.2196/34264,作者="Dodd, Rachael H and Zhang, Chenyue and Sharman, Ashleigh R and Carlton, Julie and Tang, Ruijin and Rankin, Nicole M",标题="评估卫生专业人员和肺癌筛查项目网站上的潜在参与者可获得的信息:横向研究",期刊="JMIR Cancer",年="2022",月="8",日="30",卷="8",数="3",页="e34264",关键词="肺癌筛查;沟通;建议;肺癌;癌症;横断面研究;癌症筛查;筛查程序;背景:肺癌是全球癌症死亡的主要原因。美国预防服务工作小组(USPSTF)于2021年更新了肺癌筛查的建议,将筛查年龄从55岁调整为50岁,并将用于估计总直接接触香烟烟雾的包年数从30年减少到20年。 With many individuals using the internet to find health care information, it is important to understand what information is available for individuals contemplating lung cancer screening. Objective: This study aimed to assess the eligibility criteria and information available on lung cancer screening program websites for both health professionals and potential screening participants. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional analysis of 151 lung cancer screening program websites of academic (n=76) and community medical centers (n=75) in the United States with information for health professionals and potential screening participants was conducted in March 2021. Presentation of eligibility criteria for potential screening participants and presence of information available specific to health professionals about lung cancer screening were the primary outcomes. Secondary outcomes included presentation of information about cost and smoking cessation, inclusion of an online risk assessment tool, mention of any clinical guidelines, and use of multimedia to present information. Results: Eligibility criteria for lung cancer screening was included in nearly all 151 websites (n=142, 94{\%}), as well as age range (n=139, 92.1{\%}) and smoking history (n=141, 93.4{\%}). Age was only consistent with the latest recommendations in 14.5{\%} (n=22) of websites, and no websites had updated smoking history. Half the websites (n=76, 50.3{\%}) mentioned screening costs as related to the type of insurance held. A total of 23 (15.2{\%}) websites featured an online assessment tool to determine eligibility. The same proportion (n=23, 15.2{\%}) hosted information specifically for health professionals. In total, 44 (29.1{\%}) websites referred to smoking cessation, and 46 (30.5{\%}) websites used multimedia to present information, such as short videos or podcasts. Conclusions: Most websites of US lung cancer screening programs provide information about eligibility criteria, but this is not consistent and has not been updated across all websites following the latest USPSTF recommendations. Online resources require updating to present standardized information that is accessible for all. ", issn="2369-1999", doi="10.2196/34264", url="https://cancer.www.mybigtv.com/2022/3/e34264", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/34264", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36040773" }