杂志文章@ 2369-1999 I JMIR出版物V 8% N 2% 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析P 34183% T替代癌症治疗的时机和动机与众筹平台的见解:横断面混合方法研究%A Peterson,John %A Wilson,Trevor %A Gruhl,Joshua %A Davis,Sydney %A Olsen,Jaxon %A Parsons,Matthew %A Kann,Benjamin %A Fagerlin,Angela %A Watt,Melissa %A Johnson,Skyler +犹他大学亨茨曼癌症研究所放射肿瘤系,犹他州盐湖城,84112,美国,1 801 581 8793,john.peterson@hsc.utah.edu %K互联网%K健康错误信息%K在线众筹%K替代医学%K互联网研究伦理%D 2022 %7 7.6.2022 %9原始论文%J JMIR癌症%G英语%X背景:替代癌症治疗与死亡率增加有关,但对追求它的人知之甚少。目的:我们旨在描述个体使用替代癌症疗法的动机,并确定动机是否因个体寻求替代疗法的时间而不同。方法:我们使用了2011年至2019年在GoFundMe网站上发布的649项活动的数据,这些活动是针对寻求替代疗法的癌症受益者的。使用混合方法对数据进行分析。运动根据替代疗法的时间进行分类(在接受常规疗法之前或之后)。定性分析确定了动机主题。独立卡方检验和Fisher检验(均为双侧)确定了组间动机主题存在显著差异。结果:首先使用常规疗法的个体比开始使用替代疗法的个体更有可能表达对常规疗法疗效的担忧(63.3% vs 41.7%; P<.001). Moreover, on comparing those who started with alternative therapy and those who switched from conventional to alternative therapy, those who started with alternative therapy more often expressed natural and holistic values (49.3% vs 27.0%; P<.001), expressed an unorthodox understanding of cancer (25.5% vs 16.4%; P=.004), referenced religious or spiritual beliefs (15.1% vs 8.9%; P=.01), perceived alternative treatment as efficacious (19.1% vs 10.2%; P=.001), and distrusted pharmaceutical companies (3.2% vs 0.5%; P=.04). Conclusions: Individuals sought treatments that reflected their values and beliefs, even if scientifically unfounded. Many individuals who reported prior conventional cancer therapy were motivated to pursue alternative treatments because they perceived the conventional treatments to be ineffective. %M 35671074 %R 10.2196/34183 %U https://cancer.www.mybigtv.com/2022/2/e34183 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/34183 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35671074