%0期刊文章%@ 2369-1999 %I JMIR出版物%V 8% 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析N 3% P e34851% T个人健康记录干预对结直肠癌幸存者监测的影响:可行性研究%A Vachon,Eric %A Robb,Bruce W %A Haggstrom,David A %+印第安纳大学护理学院,NU W427, 600 Barnhill博士,印第安纳波利斯,IN, 46202,美国,1 317 278 6064,evachon@iu.edu %K个人健康记录%K结直肠癌幸存者%K监测%K健康记录%K幸存者%K癌症%K肿瘤%K结直肠癌%K美国%K北美%K可行性%K网络%K患者信念%K患者态度%K生存%D 2022 %7 11.8.2022 %9原始论文%J JMIR癌症%G英语%X背景:目前,美国估计有150万人患有结直肠癌(CRC),尽管5年生存率有所提高,但幸存者仍有复发的风险,特别是在治疗后的前2-3年内。国家指南建议在切除后继续监测,以尽早发现复发。幸存者的依从性从23%到94%不等。需要新的干预措施来提高结直肠癌幸存者管理癌症的知识和信心,从而提高随访监测的依从性。目的:本研究的目的是开发和测试一种独立的、基于网络的个人健康记录(PHR)的可行性和有效性,以提高CRC幸存者对监测的依从性,患者对监测的信念是次要结果。方法:在干预前和干预后进行可行性试验,测试结直肠癌幸存者(CRCS) - phr的疗效,该方法之前是使用迭代的、以用户为中心的设计方法开发的。结果:样本的平均年龄为58岁(标准差9.9岁),其中57%(16/28)为男性,大多数已婚(20/ 28,71%),全职工作(15/ 28,54%)。 We observed a significant increase in adherence to colonoscopy (before: 11/21, 52% vs after: 18/21, 86%; P=.005) and CEA (14/21, 67% vs 20/21, 95%; P=.01), as well as a slight increase in CT scans (14/21, 67% vs 18/21, 86%; P=.10). The only significant impact on secondary outcome (patient beliefs) was benefits of CEA test (P=.04), as most of the beliefs were high at baseline. Conclusions: This feasibility study lays the groundwork for continued development of the CRCS-PHR to increase CRC surveillance. Patient-centered technologies, such as the CRCS-PHR, represent an important potential approach to improving the receipt of guideline-concordant care and follow-up surveillance, and not just for CRC survivors. Researchers should continue to develop patient-centered health technologies with clinician implementation in mind to increase patient self-efficacy and surveillance adherence. %M 35969424 %R 10.2196/34851 %U https://cancer.www.mybigtv.com/2022/3/e34851 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/34851 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35969424