I JMIR出版物第一个以色列远程心脏康复国家计划-老年患者的目标成就卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析、坚持和反应性:回顾性分析%A Nabutovsky,Irene %A Breitner,Daniel %A Heller,Alexis %A Scheinowitz,Mickey %A Klempfner,Yarin %A Klempfner,Robert %+心脏预防和康复研究所,Sheba医疗中心,Derech Sheba 2, Ramat Gan, 5265601,以色列,972 3 5303068,Robert.Klempfner@sheba.health.gov.il %K远程心脏康复%K移动应用%K坚持%K老年患者%K远程健康%K远程医疗%K心脏病学%K智能手表%K可穿戴式%K患者监测%D 2022 %7 16.11.2022 %9原始论文%J JMIR Cardio %G英文%X背景:心肌梗死后远程心脏康复(RCR)是以色列在远程心脏病学领域的一项创新国家计划。RCR被纳入以色列所有公民的健康保险。人们普遍认为,远程医疗程序更适合于年轻的病人,因为人们认为他们比年长的病人更懂技术。以前也有人认为,老年患者在使用基于技术的项目和实现项目目标方面存在困难。目的:本研究的目的如下:研究65岁以上接受RCR患者与年轻患者相比的身体活动模式、目标实现情况和功能能力改善情况;并确定更好地坚持RCR计划的预测因素。方法:回顾性研究心肌梗死后患者参加6个月的RCR计划。使用智能手表监测患者的活动。 The data were collected and analyzed by a special telemedicine platform. RCR program goals were as follows: 150 minutes of aerobic activity per week, 120 minutes of the activity in the target heart rate recommended by the exercise physiologist, and 8000 steps per day. Models were created to evaluate variables predicting adherence with the program. Results: Out of 306 patients, 80 were older adults (mean age 70 years, SD 3.4 years). At the end of the program, there was a significant improvement in the functional capacity of all patients (P=.002). Specifically, the older adult group improved from a mean 8.1 (SD 2.8) to 11.2 (SD 12.6). The metabolic equivalents of task (METs) and final MET results were similar among older and younger patients. During the entire program period, the older adult group showed better achievement of program goals compared to younger patients (P=.03). Additionally, we found that younger patient age is an independent predictor of early dropout from the program and completion of program goals (P=.045); younger patients were more likely to experience early program dropout and to complete fewer program goals. Conclusions: Older adult patients demonstrated better compliance and achievement of the goals of the remote rehabilitation program in comparison with younger patients. We found that older age is not a limitation but rather a predictor of better RCR program compliance and program goal achievement. %M 36383410 %R 10.2196/36947 %U https://cardio.www.mybigtv.com/2022/2/e36947 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/36947 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36383410