支持心血管疾病患者心脏事件后健康管理的电子健康技术平台的实施和用户评估卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析:混合方法研究%A Bente,Britt E %A Wentzel,Jobke %A Schepers,Celina %A Breeman,Linda D %A Janssen,Veronica R %A Pieterse,Marcel E %A Evers,Andrea W M %A van Gemert-Pijnen,Lisette %+特温特大学心理、健康与技术系,行为、管理与社会科学学院,恩斯菲尔德,7522 NB,荷兰,31 53 489 9660,b.e.bente@utwente.nl %K患者需要%K健康行为%K生活方式支持%K以用户为中心的设计%K实施%K评估%K心血管疾病%K应用程序%K网络平台%K干预%D背景:电子健康技术可以通过支持自我管理,提供指导、辅导和量身定制的信息,帮助心血管疾病患者采用并保持健康的生活方式。然而,为了长期支持患者,电子健康需要融入他们的需求、治疗和日常生活。正如不同病人的需求不同,病人的需求也会随着时间的推移而改变。为了更好地使技术特点适应患者的需求,有必要考虑到这些需求和使用环境的变化。目的:本研究旨在识别和监测患者对基于网络的健康管理平台支持的需求,以及这些需求如何随时间变化。它旨在回答以下研究问题:“新手和高级用户如何体验在线健康管理平台?“从用户的角度来看,用户的期望是支持还是阻碍在线健康管理平台的采用?”以及“实际使用如何与用户体验和采用相关联?”方法:采用混合方法设计。第一种方法包括两轮可用性测试,随后是访谈,在0个月时(第一轮)有10名患者,在6个月时(第二轮)有12名患者。在第二种方法中,收集日志数据来描述实际平台使用情况。 Results: After starting cardiac rehabilitation, the platform was used frequently. The patients mentioned that they need to have an incentive, set goals, self-monitor their health data, and feel empowered by the platform. However, soon after the rehabilitation program stopped, use of the platform declined or patients even quit because of the lack of continued tailored or personalized advice. The reward system motivated them to log data, but most participants indicated that being healthy should be the main focus, not receiving gifts. A web-based platform is flexible, accessible, and does not have any obligations; however, it should be implemented as an addition to regular care. Conclusions: Although use of the platform declined in the longer term, patients quitting the technology did not directly indicate that the technology was not functioning well or that patients no longer focused on achieving their values. The key to success should not be user adherence to a platform but adherence to healthy lifestyle habits. Therefore, the implementation of eHealth should include the transition to a stage where patients might no longer need support from a technology platform to be independently and sustainably adherent to their healthy lifestyle habits. This emphasizes the importance of conducting multi-iterative evaluations to continuously monitor whether and how patients’ needs and contexts of use change over time. Future research should focus on how this transition can be identified and monitored and how these insights can inform the design and implementation of the technology. %M 36961491 %R 10.2196/43781 %U https://cardio.www.mybigtv.com/2023/1/e43781 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/43781 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36961491