TY - JOUR AU - D´Ancona, Giuseppe AU - Murero, Monica AU - Feickert, Sebastian AU - Kaplan, Hilmi AU - Öner, Alper AU - Ortak, Jasmin AU - Ince, Hueseyin PY - 2021 DA - 201/4/21 TI -基于web的心衰实时监测创新心内微机系统的植入:可用性和患者的态度JO - JMIR心脏SP - e21055 VL - 5is - 1kw -心脏KW -故障KW -左心房KW -压力KW -心内KW -设备KW -监测KW -可植入KW -无线KW -传输KW -基于web的AB -背景:通过创新的永久性心内微传感器测量心内压和肺压值来指导心衰(HF)管理,最近被认为是个体化治疗和预测血流动力学不稳定的有效策略。这些传感器具有降低患者住院率和优化生活质量的潜力。目的:本研究的目的是评估一种用于远程监测慢性心衰患者左心房压的新型永久性心内装置(V-LAP, vectrorious Medical Technologies, Tel Aviv, Israel)的可用性和患者的态度。方法:V-LAP系统是一种经皮植入房间隔的微型传感器。在采集/传输左心压力测量时,该系统与放置在患者胸部的“配套设备”(可穿戴的腰带)进行无线通信。在植入后的第一次随访中,患者和医疗保健提供者被要求填写一份关于系统可用性、执行各种所需任务(数据采集和传输)的易用性和总体满意度的问卷。对问题的回答主要采用李克特5分制(1:非常差,2:很差,3:一般,4:良好,5:优秀)。在3、6和12个月时对患者进行进一步随访。 Results: Use and acceptance of the first 14 patients receiving the V-LAP technology worldwide and related health care providers have been analyzed to date. No periprocedural morbidity/mortality was observed. Before discharge, a tailored educational session was performed after device implantation with the patients and their health care providers. At the first follow-up, the mean score for overall comfort in technology use was 3.7 (SD 1.2) with 93% (13/14) of patients succeeding in applying and operating the system independently. For health care providers, the mean score for overall ease and comfort in use of the technology was 4.2 (SD 0.8). No significant differences were found between the patients’ and health care providers’ replies to the questionnaires. There was a general trend for higher scores in patients’ usability reports at later follow-ups, in which the score related to overall comfort with using the technology increased from 3.0 (SD 1.4) to 4.0 (SD 0.7) (P=.40) and comfort with wearing and adjusting the measuring thoracic belt increased from 2.8 (SD 1.0) to 4.2 (SD 0.4) (P=.02). Conclusions: Despite the gravity of their HF pathology and the complexity of their comorbid profile, patients are comfortable in using the V-LAP technology and, in the majority of cases, they can correctly and consistently acquire and transmit hemodynamic data. Although the overall patient/care provider satisfaction with the V-LAP system seems to be acceptable, improvements can be achieved after ameliorating the design of the measuring tools. Trial Registration: ClincalTrials.gov NCT03775161; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03775161 SN - 2561-1011 UR - https://cardio.www.mybigtv.com/2021/1/e21055 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/21055 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33881400 DO - 10.2196/21055 ID - info:doi/10.2196/21055 ER -