@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/10323,作者=“B{\'e}rub{\'e}, M{\'e}lanie和G{\'e}linas, C{\'e}line和Feeley, Nancy和Martorella, G{\'e}raldine和C{\' o}t{\'e}, Jos{\'e}和Laflamme, G Yves和Rouleau, Dominique M和Choini{\ 'e} re, Manon”,标题=“旨在预防重大下肢创伤后急性到慢性疼痛转变的混合网络和现场自我管理干预:iPACT-E-Trauma的可行性与可接受性”,期刊=“JMIR Formativ Res”,年=“2018”,月=“4月”,日=“30”,量=“2”,数=“1”,页数=“e10323”,关键词=“急性疼痛;慢性疼痛;伤口和损伤;下肢;自理;健康促进;可行性研究;背景:急性疼痛向慢性疼痛的过渡常发生在下肢重大创伤后。虽然在这一人群中发生慢性疼痛的风险因素已经被广泛研究,但关于旨在预防创伤背景下慢性疼痛的干预措施的研究结果很少。 Therefore, we developed a hybrid, Web-based and in-person, self-management intervention to prevent acute to chronic pain transition after major lower extremity trauma (iPACT-E-Trauma). Objective: This study aimed to assess the feasibility and acceptability of iPACT-E-Trauma. Methods: Using a descriptive design, the intervention was initiated at a supra-regional level-1 trauma center. Twenty-eight patients ≥18 years old with major lower extremity trauma, presenting with moderate to high pain intensity 24 hours post-injury were recruited. Feasibility assessment was two-fold: 1) whether the intervention components could be provided as planned to ≥80{\%} of participants and 2) whether ≥80{\%} of participants could complete the intervention. The rates for both these variables were calculated. The E-Health Acceptability Questionnaire and the Treatment Acceptability and Preference Questionnaire were used to assess acceptability. Mean scores were computed to determine the intervention's acceptability. Results: More than 80{\%} of participants received the session components relevant to their condition. However, the Web pages for session 2, on the analgesics prescribed, were accessed by 71{\%} of participants. Most sessions were delivered according to the established timeline for ≥80{\%} of participants. Session 3 and in-person coaching meetings had to be provider earlier for ≥35{\%} of participants. Session duration was 30 minutes or less on average, as initially planned. More than 80{\%} of participants attended sessions and <20{\%} did not apply self-management behaviors relevant to their condition, with the exception of deep breathing relaxation exercises which was not applied by 40{\%} of them. Web and in-person sessions were assessed as very acceptable (mean scores ≥3 on a 0 to 4 descriptive scale) across nearly all acceptability attributes. Conclusions: Findings showed that the iPACT-E-Trauma intervention is feasible and was perceived as highly acceptable by participants. Further tailoring iPACT-E-Trauma to patient needs, providing more training time for relaxation techniques, and modifying the Web platform to improve its convenience could enhance the feasibility and acceptability of the intervention. Trial Registration: International Standard Randomized Controlled Trial Number (ISRCTN): 91987302; http://www.controlled-trials.com/ISRCTN91987302 (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation.org/6ynibjPHa) ", issn="2561-326X", doi="10.2196/10323", url="http://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2018/1/e10323/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/10323", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30684418" }