@文章{info:doi/ 10.21960 /33113,作者="Hasselgren, Anton和Kralevska, Katina和Gligoroski, Danilo和Faxvaag, Arild",标题="医科学生对基于区块链的去中心化工作历史和证书组合的看法:定性可行性研究",期刊="JMIR Form Res",年="2021",月="10",日="22",卷="5",数="10",页="e33113",关键词="区块链;电子健康;定性研究;背景:医疗保健日益数字化可能会挑战传统医疗保健系统中建立的一些信任功能。我们采用了VerifyMed的概念,为工作经历和能力验证开发了一种去中心化的服务,作为一种增强患者和护理人员之间虚拟互动的信任的手段,减轻管理负担,并为卫生专业人员无缝地提供患者报告结果。目的:本研究旨在验证挪威卫生保健专业人员去中心化证书服务的用例。我们还旨在评估VerifyMed的概念验证,这是一种为医疗保健专业人员提供的基于区块链的证书服务。方法:采用定性方法,通过9次半结构化访谈和2个焦点小组(一个4人,另一个5人)收集数据。系统可用性量表(SUS)被用作访谈的一部分。数据分析采用系统文本凝聚的原理。 The recruitment of participants ended when it was concluded that the data had reached saturation. Results: The following 5 themes were identified from the interviews and focus groups: (1) the need for aggregated storage of work- and study-related verification, (2) trust in a virtual health care environment, (3) the potential use of patient feedback, (4) trust in blockchain technology, and (5) improvements of the VerifyMed concept. The SUS questionnaire gave a score of 69.7. Conclusions: This study has validated the need for a decentralized system where health care professionals can control their credentials and, potentially, their reputation. Future work should update the VerifyMed system according to this input. We concluded that a decentralized system for the storage of work-related verifiable credentials could increase trust in a virtualized health care system. ", issn="2561-326X", doi="10.2196/33113", url="https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2021/10/e33113", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/33113", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34677137" }