@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/34388,作者=“Nu{\~{n}}ez, Tania R和Pallasch, Nina和Radtke, Theda”,标题=“德国封锁前、期间和之后学生的情绪健康和学业功能:队列研究”,期刊=“JMIR表格Res”,年=“2022”,月=“11”,日=“15”,卷=“6”,数=“11”,页=“e34388”,关键词=“自我效能感;学术自我概念;考试焦虑;成就动机;积极和消极的影响;移动电话;背景:新冠肺炎疫情封锁给大学生带来社会危害,改变了学习环境。最近的研究表明,这种后果可能会对学生的心理健康造成各种损害。然而,此类研究存在重大局限性,例如缺乏大流行前的控制措施,关注单一福祉参数,或仅对大流行的早期阶段进行调查。为了解决这些研究空白,这项全面的全国性研究比较了德国的3个学生队列(17-48岁):大流行前队列(2020年1月至2月)、封锁后队列(2020年5月至2020年7月)和封锁内队列(2021年1月至2月),研究了学生的一般情绪健康和学业功能。 It was hypothesized that, because of rigorous lockdown-related restrictions, students in the intralockdown cohort would report diminished general emotional well-being compared with the other cohorts. Furthermore, because of ongoing remote learning since the beginning of the pandemic, it was expected that students' academic functioning would decrease across all 3 cohorts. Methods: The data collection was performed over 3 consecutive semesters (fall semester 2019-2020, spring semester 2020, and fall semester 2020-2021). Students were surveyed on the web on various aspects regarding their general emotional well-being (eg, stress and general well-being) and academic functioning (eg, concentration and study-related flow). Data analyses were performed using multivariate ANOVAs. Results: A total of 787 students participated in this study. Results indicated higher general well-being in the postlockdown cohort than in the intralockdown cohort (P=.02). As for students' academic functioning, our results revealed that students in the prepandemic cohort reported higher study-related flow (P=.007) and concentration (P=.001) than those in the intralockdown cohort. In addition, students reported higher flow (P=.04) and concentration (P=.04) in the postlockdown cohort than those in the intralockdown cohort. No cohort effects were revealed for other aspects of general emotional well-being (eg, perceived stress) and academic functioning (eg, procrastination). Conclusions: This study indicates that students' general emotional well-being as well as motivational and attentional components of academic functioning can be impaired owing to the COVID-19 lockdowns and ongoing remote learning formats. The necessity and design of interventional programs remedying such effects in light of the ongoing crisis need to be addressed. ", issn="2561-326X", doi="10.2196/34388", url="https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2022/11/e34388", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/34388", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36228133" }