@Article{info:doi/10.2196/38716,作者=“Williams, Kofoworola D A和Wijaya, Clarisa和Stamatis, Caitlin A和Abbott, Gabriel和Lattie, Emily G”,标题=“黑人男性大学生在社交媒体和移动应用程序上的心理健康支持需求和偏好:探索性定性研究”,期刊=“JMIR Form Res”,年=“2022”,月=“8”,日=“31”,卷=“6”,数=“8”,页=“e38716”,关键词=“黑人或非裔美国人;大学;心理健康;社交媒体;移动应用;背景:大学年龄的黑人男性比他们的同龄人更不可能使用正式的、治疗性的面对面服务来解决心理健康问题。随着移动技术和社交媒体平台的使用稳步增加,重要的是开展工作,研究数字工具和技术的未来效用,以改善黑人男性和大学黑人男性获得和接受心理健康服务的机会。目的:本研究的目的是确定和了解大学就读的黑人男性对使用数字健康技术和社交媒体进行压力和心理健康症状管理的需求和偏好。方法:对来自美国中西部两所种族多元化大学的11名黑人男学生进行访谈。参与者被问及与他们目前的心理健康需求以及使用社交媒体平台和移动应用程序解决心理健康问题的兴趣相关的问题。 A thematic analysis was conducted. Results: Four themes emerged from the data: current stress relief strategies, technology-based support needs and preferences (subthemes: mobile-based support and social media--based support), resource information dissemination considerations (subthemes: information-learning expectations and preferences and information-sharing preferences and behaviors), and technology-based mental health support design considerations (subtheme: relatability and representation). Participants were interested in using social media and digital technologies for their mental health concerns and needs, for example, phone notifications and visual-based mental health advertisements that promote awareness. Relatability in the context of representation was emphasized as a key factor for participants interested in using digital mental health tools. Examples of methods for increasing relatability included having tools disseminated by minority-serving organizations and including components explicitly portraying Black men engaging in mental health support strategies. The men also discussed wanting to receive recommendations for stress relief that have been proven successful, particularly for Black men. Conclusions: The findings from this study provide insights into design and dissemination considerations for future work geared toward developing mental health messaging and digital interventions for young Black men. ", issn="2561-326X", doi="10.2196/38716", url="https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2022/8/e38716", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/38716", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36044261" }