@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/38500,作者=“Wlasak, Wendy和Zwanenburg, Sander Paul和Paton, Chris”,标题=“支持聊天机器人在COVID-19大流行期间进行体育活动的自主动机:因子实验”,期刊=“JMIR Form Res”,年=“2023”,月=“Jan”,日=“25”,卷=“7”,页=“e38500”,关键词=“自主动机;聊天机器人;自决理论;身体活动;析因实验;移动电话;背景:尽管体育活动可以缓解疾病轨迹,改善和维持心理健康,但在COVID-19大流行期间,许多人的体育活动减少了。个人信息技术,如活动追踪器和聊天机器人,在技术上可以与人交谈,并可能增强他们参与体育活动的自主动机。关于行为改变技术(bct)和自我决定理论(SDT)的文献包含了有希望的见解,可以在这些技术的设计中加以利用;然而,目前尚不清楚如何实现这一目标。 Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the feasibility of a chatbot system that improves the user's autonomous motivation for walking based on BCTs and SDT. First, we aimed to develop and evaluate various versions of a chatbot system based on promising BCTs. Second, we aimed to evaluate whether the use of the system improves the autonomous motivation for walking and the associated factors of need satisfaction. Third, we explored the support for the theoretical mechanism and effectiveness of various BCT implementations. Methods: We developed a chatbot system using the mobile apps Telegram (Telegram Messenger Inc) and Google Fit (Google LLC). We implemented 12 versions of this system, which differed in 3 BCTs: goal setting, experimenting, and action planning. We then conducted a feasibility study with 102 participants who used this system over the course of 3 weeks, by conversing with a chatbot and completing questionnaires, capturing their perceived app support, need satisfaction, physical activity levels, and motivation. Results: The use of the chatbot systems was satisfactory, and on average, its users reported increases in autonomous motivation for walking. The dropout rate was low. Although approximately half of the participants indicated that they would have preferred to interact with a human instead of the chatbot, 46.1{\%} (47/102) of the participants stated that the chatbot helped them become more active, and 42.2{\%} (43/102) of the participants decided to continue using the chatbot for an additional week. Furthermore, the majority thought that a more advanced chatbot could be very helpful. The motivation was associated with the satisfaction of the needs of competence and autonomy, and need satisfaction, in turn, was associated with the perceived system support, providing support for SDT underpinnings. However, no substantial differences were found across different BCT implementations. Conclusions: The results provide evidence that chatbot systems are a feasible means to increase autonomous motivation for physical activity. We found support for SDT as a basis for the design, laying a foundation for larger studies to confirm the effectiveness of the selected BCTs within chatbot systems, explore a wider range of BCTs, and help the development of guidelines for the design of interactive technology that helps users achieve long-term health benefits. ", issn="2561-326X", doi="10.2196/38500", url="https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2023/1/e38500", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/38500", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36512402" }