%0杂志文章%@ 2561-326X I JMIR出版物%V 4% N卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 9% P e20165% T用智能手机应用程序自我监测类风湿关节炎的可行性:两项混合方法试点研究的结果%A Seppen,Bart F %A Wiegel,Jimmy L'ami,Merel J %A Duarte dos Santos Rico,Sharon A Catarinella,Fabio S %A Turkstra,Franktien %A Boers,Maarten %A Bos,Wouter H %+阿姆斯特丹风湿病和免疫中心,Reade, Jan van Breemenstraat博士2,荷兰阿姆斯特丹,31 616796208,b.seppen@reade.nl %K mHealth %K eHealth %K患者报告的结果,智能手机应用%K类风湿关节炎%K自我监测%K远程监测%K手机%D 2020 %7 21.9.2020 %9原始论文%J JMIR表格Res %G英文%X背景:存在一些监测类风湿关节炎(RA)症状的移动应用程序,但最近的系统综述表明缺乏高质量的应用程序。当患者使用患者报告的结果(PROs)自我监测自己的疾病,并在正确的时间自我启动护理时,有可能减少他们的诊所就诊频率,这将减少医疗负担和成本。为此,我们开发了MijnReuma Reade app,并在每周自我监测的情况下进行了2次试点测试。目的:本研究的主要目的是设计、开发和评估MijnReuma Reade应用程序的可用性、满意度和使用情况,该应用程序允许RA患者监测自己的疾病。第二目标是回顾患者对应用程序使用的看法及其预期目的。方法:该应用程序是与RA患者、风湿病学家和信息技术专家合作设计的。进行了两个为期1个月的试点研究,评估了该应用程序的满意度(0-10分)、可用性(系统可用性量表0-100分)和使用率(完成问卷的比例)。在第二个试点研究之后,进行了半结构化访谈,以确定患者的观点以及应用程序使用的促进因素和障碍。 Results: In the first and second pilot study, 42 and 27 patients were included, respectively. Overall, the patients were satisfied (medians, 8 and 7) and found the app usable (mean system usability scores, 76 and 71) in pilot studies 1 and 2, respectively. App usage declined over time in both the pilot studies; 61% (17/28) and 37% (10/27) of the patients who disclosed their usage statistics completed the final weekly questionnaire in pilot study 1 and pilot study 2, respectively. Approximately 81% (25/31) of the patients indicated they would like to skip hospital visits if the self-monitored disease activity is low. In the semistructured interviews, technical problems, internal resistance (respondent fatigue, the app reminded them of their disease), and a lack of symptoms were identified as barriers for usage. Patients reported that “experiencing more grip on their disease” and “improved communication with their physician” were promoters for usage. Patients reported that pain positively mediated usage, that is, more pain promoted and less pain discouraged app usage. Conclusions: This study illustrates the feasibility of the MijnReuma Reade app that enables self-monitoring of the disease activity in patients with RA with the overarching aim to allocate clinical consultations according to need. Satisfaction with the app and usability of the app were found to be high; however, app usage declined over time. Patients acknowledged the potential of the app to self-monitor their own disease and would like to be able to skip clinic visits if the monitored disease activity is low. To evaluate this strategy, a randomized controlled trial is underway. %M 32955447 %R 10.2196/20165 %U http://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2020/9/e20165/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/20165 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32955447