杂志文章JMIR出版物非裔美国吸烟者给同龄人的书面建议:卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析激励信息的定性研究%A Nagawa,Catherine S %A Faro,Jamie M %A Menon,Anitha J %A Ito Fukunaga,Mayuko %A Williams,Jessica H %A Mourao,Dalton %A Emidio,Oluwabunmi M %A Davis,Maryann %A Pbert,Lori %A Cutrona,Sarah L %A Houston,Thomas K %A Sadasivam,Rajani S %+人口与定量健康科学系,美国马萨诸塞州伍斯特Plantation街368号,马萨诸塞州,1 508 856 8999,catherine.nagawa@umassmed.edu %K烟草差异%K点对点沟通%K吸烟%K戒烟%K专题分析%K干预%K非洲裔美国人%D 2021 %7 30.4.2021 %9原始论文%J JMIR Form Res %G英语%X背景:尽管非洲裔美国人开始吸烟和发展到每天吸烟的比例最低,但他们不太可能实现长期戒烟。需要为促进非裔美国吸烟者使用戒烟资源而量身定制的干预措施。在我们过去的工作中,我们证明了技术辅助的同行书面信息干预对增加非西班牙裔白人吸烟者戒烟的有效性。在这一形成性研究中,我们对这种干预措施进行了调整,以专门针对非裔美国吸烟者。目的:我们旨在报告定性分析非裔美国人当前和曾经的吸烟者写给他们的同龄人的信息,以回应吸烟者面临戒烟挑战的假设场景。方法:我们在2017年4月至2017年11月间通过ResearchMatch招募了非裔美国成年吸烟者和吸烟者(n=41)。我们要求参与者针对与吸烟相关的假想场景,为他们的同伴写下激励信息。我们还收集了社会人口因素和吸烟特征的数据。 Thematic analysis was conducted to identify cessation strategies suggested by the study participants. Results: Among the study participants, 60% (25/41) were female. Additionally, more than half (23/41, 56%) were thinking about quitting, 29% (12/41) had set a quit date, and 27% (11/41) had used electronic cigarettes in the past 30 days. Themes derived from the qualitative analysis of peer-written messages were (1) behavioral strategies, (2) seeking help, (3) improvements in quality of life, (4) attitudes and expectations, and (5) mindfulness/religious or spiritual practices. Under the behavioral strategies theme, distraction strategies were the most frequently suggested strategies (referenced 84 times in the 318 messages), followed by use of evidence-based treatments/cessation strategies. Within the seeking help theme, subthemes included seeking help or support from family/friends or close social networks (referenced 56 times) and health care professionals (referenced 22 times). The most frequent subthemes that emerged from improvements in the quality of life theme included improving one’s health (referenced 22 times) and quality of life (referenced 21 times). Subthemes that emerged from the attitude and expectations theme included practicing positive self-talk (referenced 27 times), autonomy/independence from the smoking habit (referenced six times), and financial cost of smoking (referenced five times). The two subthemes that emerged from the mindfulness/religious or spiritual practices theme were use of self-awareness techniques (referenced 36 times) and religious or spiritual practices to cope (referenced 13 times). Conclusions: Our approach to adapt a prior peer-message intervention to African American smokers yielded a set of evidence-based messages that may be suitable for smokers at all phases of motivation to quit (ready to quit or not ready to quit). In future research, we plan to assess the impact of texting these messages to African American smokers in a smoking cessation trial. %M 33929332 %R 10.2196/21481 %U https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2021/4/e21481 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/21481 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33929332