应用模拟智能手表进行心房颤动检测卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析%A Campo,David %A Elie,Valery %A de Gallard,Tristan %A Bartet,Pierre %A Morichau-Beauchant,Tristan %A Genain,Nicolas %A Fayol,Antoine %A Fouassier,David %A Pasteur-Rousseau,Adrien %A Puymirat,Etienne %A Nahum,Julien %+ Withings, 2 rue Maurice Hartmann, Issy Les Moulineaux, 92130, France, 33 637430705,valery.elie@withings.com %K心房颤动%K移动健康%K移动健康%K诊断%K心电图%K心电图%K智能手表%K智能技术%K可穿戴%K心脏病学%K心脏%K心力衰竭%K心脏病%K心血管%K发病率%K自动检测%K算法%K医生%K传感器%K数字健康%D 2022 %7 4.11.2022 %9原始论文%J JMIR表格Res %G英语%X心房颤动影响着世界上大约4%的人口,是中风、心力衰竭、猝死和心血管疾病的主要原因之一。当无症状或处于发作期时,它可能难以诊断,其自然史尚不清楚。新的可穿戴设备和联网设备为改善这种状况提供了机会。目的:我们旨在验证一种算法,用于通过智能手表拍摄的单导联心电图自动检测心房颤动。方法:从法国巴黎的4个地点招募符合条件的患者。同时采集12导联参考心电图和单导联心电图。心电图由独立的、盲法认证的心脏病专家审查。 The sensitivity and specificity of the algorithm to detect atrial fibrillation and normal sinus rhythm were calculated. The quality of single-lead electrocardiograms (visibility and polarity of waves, interval durations, heart rate) was assessed in comparison with the gold standard (12-lead electrocardiogram). Results: A total of 262 patients (atrial fibrillation: n=100, age: mean 74.3 years, SD 12.3; normal sinus rhythm: n=113, age: 61.8 years, SD 14.3; other arrhythmia: n=45, 66.9 years, SD 15.2; unreadable electrocardiograms: n=4) were included in the final analysis; 6.9% (18/262) were classified as Noise by the algorithm. Excluding other arrhythmias and Noise, the sensitivity for atrial fibrillation detection was 0.963 (95% CI lower bound 0.894), and the specificity was 1.000 (95% CI lower bound 0.967). Visibility and polarity accuracies were similar (1-lead electrocardiogram: P waves: 96.9%, QRS complexes: 99.2%, T waves: 91.2%; 12-lead electrocardiogram: P waves: 100%, QRS complexes: 98.8%, T waves: 99.5%). P-wave visibility accuracy was 99% (99/100) for patients with atrial fibrillation and 95.7% (155/162) for patients with normal sinus rhythm, other arrhythmias, and unreadable electrocardiograms. The absolute values of the mean differences in PR duration and QRS width were <3 ms, and more than 97% were <40 ms. The mean difference between the heart rates from the 1-lead electrocardiogram calculated by the algorithm and those calculated by cardiologists was 0.55 bpm. Conclusions: The algorithm demonstrated great diagnostic performance for atrial fibrillation detection. The smartwatch’s single-lead electrocardiogram also demonstrated good quality for physician use in daily routine care. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT04351386; http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04351386 %M 35481559 %R 10.2196/37280 %U https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2022/11/e37280 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/37280 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35481559