%0期刊文章%@ 2561-326X %I JMIR出版物% v6 %卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析N 11 %P e38904 %T荷兰COVID-19通知应用程序:终端用户和接触者追踪人员混合方法评估的经验教训% a van Gend,Joris Elmar % a van t Klooster,Jan Willem Jaap Roderick % a Bolman,Catherine Adriana Wilhelmina % a van Gemert-Pijnen,Julia Elisabeth Wilhelmina Cornelia %+特温特大学行为、管理和社会科学学院BMS实验室,恩斯schede De Zul 10, 7522 NB,荷兰,31 0534892525bmslab@utwente.nl %K电子健康%K接触者追踪%K数字接触者追踪%K接触者追踪应用%K COVID-19 %K坚持性%K公共卫生%K移动健康%K主题分析%K健康服务%K用户体验%K电子健康干预%K手机%D 2022 %7 4.11.2022 %9原文%J JMIR表格Res %G英语%X背景:荷兰CoronaMelder (CM)应用是荷兰官方接触者追踪应用(CTA)。它已被用于遏制SARS-CoV-2在荷兰的传播。它允许其用户和连接应用程序的用户匿名交换有关与SARS-CoV-2感染者可能存在高风险接触的警告。目的:本混合方法研究的目的是了解CTA在大流行中的使用情况,并通过接触者追踪将其纳入市政卫生服务(MHS)的控制工作。此外,本研究旨在调查遵守检疫和隔离措施的动机和用户体验相关因素。方法:对56封电子邮件进行主题分析,并对来自荷兰的1937名成年人进行网络调查,同时对该应用程序的最终用户和14名荷兰MHS参与接触者追踪的员工进行了48次深度访谈。与负责CM应用程序创建和实施的开发团队(n=2)和沟通团队(n=2)的代表进行镜像会议(n=2)。结果:主题分析和访谈确定了使用CTA的程序和技术问题。程序问题包括缺乏对卫生保健雇员使用国别评价的培训。 Technical issues identified for the end users included the inability to send notifications without phone contact with the MHS, unwarranted notifications, and nightly notifications. Together, these issues undermined confidence in and satisfaction with the app’s use. The interviews offered a deeper understanding of the various factors at play and their effects on users; for example, the mixed experiences of the app’s users, the end user’s own fears, and uncertainties concerning the SARS-CoV-2; problematic infrastructure at the time of the app’s implementation on the side of the health services; the effects of the society-wide efforts in containment of the SARS-CoV-2 on the CM app’s perception, resulting in further doubts concerning the app’s effectiveness among MHS workers and citizens; and problems with adherence to behavioral measures propagated by the app because of the lack of confidence in the app and uncertainty concerning the execution of the behavioral measures. All findings were evaluated with the app’s creators and have since contributed to improvements. Conclusions: Although most participants perceived the app positively, procedural and technical issues identified in this study limited satisfaction and confidence in the CM app and affected its adoption and long-term use. Moreover, these same issues negatively affected the CM app’s effectiveness in improving compliance with behavioral measures aimed at reducing the spread of the SARS-CoV-2. This study offers lessons learned for future eHealth interventions in pandemics. Lessons that can aid in more effective design, implementation, and communication for more effective and readily adoptable eHealth applications. %M 36074930 %R 10.2196/38904 %U https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2022/11/e38904 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/38904 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36074930