[0]期刊文章[0]JMIR出版物[0]异步健康互动中的患者线索分析:卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析[A] Rey Velasco,Elena %A Pedersen,Hanne s . æderup %A Skinner,Timothy %A, %+哥本哈根大学心理学系,Øster farimagsade 2A,丹麦哥本哈根,1353,45 35324800。erv@psy.ku.dk %K远程医疗%K远程教学%K异步沟通%K移情%K系统功能语言学%K沟通%K健康促进%K编码%K语言分析%K用户体验%K教练-用户互动%K工具开发%K生活方式相关疾病%D 2022 %7 20.12.2022 %9背景:生活方式相关疾病是导致死亡和残疾的主要原因之一。它们在世界范围内的迅速增加要求采用低成本、可扩展的解决方案来促进健康行为的改变。事实证明,数字健康指导在提供可负担、可扩展的项目以支持生活方式改变方面是有效的。这种方法越来越依赖于异步的基于文本的干预来激励和支持行为改变。虽然我们知道移情是成功的教练-用户关系和积极的患者结果的核心要素,但我们缺乏关于如何在基于文本的交互中实现这一点的研究。系统功能语言学(SFL)是一种语言学理论,可以支持识别基于文本的互动中的共情机会(EOs),以及患者在其表述中语言选择背后的原因。目的:本研究旨在探讨共情和语用交际方法在健康教练情境下文本交际研究中的对应性和互补性。我们试图探索将共情评估与SFL分类相结合是否可以提供一种方法来理解基于异步文本的教练互动中的客户-教练互动。 Methods: We retrieved 148 text messages sent by 29 women who participated in a randomized trial of telecoaching for the prevention of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and postnatal weight loss. We conducted a pilot study to identify users' explicit and implicit EOs and further investigated these statements using the SFL approach, focusing on the analysis of transitivity and thematic analysis. Results: We identified 164 EOs present in 42.37% (3478/8209) of the word count in the corpus. These were mainly negative (n=90, 54.88%) and implicit (n=55, 60.00%). We distinguished opening, content and closing messages structures. Most of the wording was found in the content (n=7077, 86.21%) with a declarative structure (n=7084, 86.30%). Processes represented 22.4% (n=1839) of the corpus, with half being material (n=876, 10.67%) and mostly related to food and diet (n=196, 54.92%), physical activity (n=96, 26.89%), and lifestyle goals (n=40, 11.20%). Conclusions: Our findings show that empathy and SFL approaches are compatible. The results from our transitivity analysis reveal novel insights into the meanings of the users’ EOs, such as their seek for help or praise, often missed by health care professionals (HCPs), and on the coach-user relationship. The absence of explicit EOs and direct questions could be attributed to low trust on or information about the coach’s abilities. In the future, we will conduct further research to explore additional linguistic features and code coach messages. Trial Registration: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR) ACTRN12620001240932; https://www.anzctr.org.au/Trial/Registration/TrialReview.aspx?id=380020 %M 36538352 %R 10.2196/40058 %U https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2022/12/e40058 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/40058 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36538352