老年心力衰竭退伍军人使用移动医疗技术支持自我护理的偏好卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析A Foster,Marva, A Xiong,Wei, A Quintiliani,Lisa, A Hartmann,Christine W, A Gaehde,Stephan + VA波士顿医疗保健系统,医疗保健组织与实施研究中心,150 S Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA, 02130, usa, 1857 203 6671,marva.foster@va.gov %K定性研究%K心力衰竭%K自我护理%K移动健康%K移动健康技术%K老年人%K老年人%K感知%K移动健康干预%K退伍军人健康%K移动健康技术%K老年人健康护理%K老年人自我护理%D研究背景:心力衰竭(HF)在美国影响了大约650万成年人,老年人受到的影响尤为严重。移动医疗(mHealth)已经成为一种很有前途的工具,使老年人能够进行心衰自我保健。然而,人们对这种方法在老年退伍军人中的应用知之甚少。目的:本研究的目的是探讨应用程序的哪些功能优先于老年成年HF退伍军人。方法:在2021年1月至7月期间,我们在综合医疗保健系统(退伍军人健康管理局)的单一设施中对65岁及以上的心力衰竭患者进行了半结构化访谈。我们根据慢性疾病的中程理论进行了内容分析和衍生主题,得出了演绎和归纳的发现。定性问题收集了关于该理论的三个关键主题的数据:自我护理维护、自我护理监测和自我护理管理。使用定性数据管理平台分析定性反应,使用描述性统计分析人口统计数据。 Results: Among patients interviewed (n=9), most agreed that a smartphone app for supporting HF self-care was desirable. In addition to 3 a priori themes, we identified 7 subthemes: education on daily HF care, how often to get education on HF, support of medication adherence, dietary restriction support, goal setting for exercises, stress reduction strategies, and prompts of when to call a provider. In addition, we identified 3 inductive themes related to veteran preferences for app components: simplicity, ability to share data with caregivers, and positive framing of HF language. Conclusions: We identified educational and tracking app features that can guide the development of HF self-care for an older adult veteran population. Future research needs to be done to extend these findings and assess the feasibility of and test an app with these features. %M 36538348 %R 10.2196/41317 %U https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2022/12/e41317 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/41317 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36538348