TY -非盟的蔡Krystle盟——卡西迪,Omni盟——Arshonsky Josh AU -键,莎拉AU -▽Giudice M盟,布拉格,玛丽PY - 2022 DA - 2022/10/14 TI COVID-Washing美国食品和饮料营销在Twitter上:内容分析乔- Res JMIR形式SP - e37642六世- 6 - 10 KW - COVID-19 KW -食品和饮料营销KW - Twitter KW -肥胖KW -社会媒体KW -营养KW -风险因素千瓦健康广告KW -营销AB -背景:食品公司在2019冠状病毒病大流行期间增加了数字和社交媒体广告支出,利用了大流行期间社交媒体使用的增加。与大流行相关的社交媒体广告和营销策略的程度此前曾有过报道。然而,没有研究评估食品和饮料公司如何在美国的社交媒体帖子上使用COVID-washing,也没有研究分析广告食品和饮料产品的营养成分。本研究旨在通过评估食品和饮料公司如何利用COVID-19大流行推广不健康食品和含糖饮料来解决这些差距。目的:我们旨在记录美国第一波疫情期间美国食品和饮料公司推特上与covid -19相关主题的类型和频率,并评估这些推特中食品和饮料产品的营养质量。方法:研究助理访问了营销最多的食品和饮料品牌的Twitter账户,并对2020年3月1日至5月31日期间发布的所有推文进行了屏幕截图。研究人员记录了这条推文的日期;点赞、观看、评论和转发的数量;以及食品和饮料产品的种类。 We coded tweets for the following 10 COVID-19 themes: (1) social distancing, staying home, or working remotely; (2) contactless delivery or pick-up; (3) handwashing or sanitizing; (4) masks; (5) safety or protection; (6) staying connected with others; (7) staying active; (8) frontline or essential workers; (9) monetary relief, donations, or unemployment; and (10) pandemic, unprecedented, or difficult times. Researchers calculated the nutrient profile index scores for featured foods and sorted beverages into categories based on sugar content. Results: Our final sample included 874 COVID-19–themed tweets from 52 food and beverage brands. Social distancing themes appeared most frequently (n=367, 42%), followed by pandemic, unprecedented, or difficult times (n=246, 28.2%), and contactless delivery (n=237, 27.1%). The majority of tweets (n=682, 78%) promoted foods and beverages. Among those tweets featuring foods and beverages, 89.6% (n=611) promoted unhealthy products, whereas 17.2% (n=117) promoted healthy products. Conclusions: Our findings point to a concerning marketing tactic in which major food and beverage companies promote unhealthy foods and sugary beverages during the COVID-19 pandemic. Given that nutrition-related diseases such as obesity and diabetes are risk factors for COVID-19 morbidity and mortality, food and beverage companies should reduce the promotion of unhealthy products to help decrease the prevalence of health conditions that place people at higher risk for severe illness and death due to COVID-19. SN - 2561-326X UR - https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2022/10/e37642 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/37642 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36040957 DO - 10.2196/37642 ID - info:doi/10.2196/37642 ER -