研究发现,封锁与积极和消极情绪都有关系,尽管他们的发现并不是结论性的。在这些研究中,使用基于有限情绪类型的词汇来识别对武汉封锁的情绪反应。目的:本研究旨在通过基于情感循环模型的词汇分析微博社交媒体数据,绘制中国人对武汉封城事件的情绪反应图谱,并将武汉居民的情绪与中国其他地区居民的情绪进行比较。方法:收集武汉市封城前2周至封城后2周(2020年1月9日至2020年2月6日)的微博社交媒体信息。每个帖子都用效价评分和唤醒评分进行编码。为了绘制研究期间的情绪轨迹,我们使用了359,190个帖子的数据集。为了比较武汉居民(n=1236)和非湖北居民(n= 12714)对封锁的即时情绪反应及其对长期情绪的影响,我们使用了第二组包含57,685个帖子的数据集进行多层次建模分析。结果:在所研究的封锁期间,大多数帖子(248,757/359,190,69.25%)表明情绪愉快,唤醒率低。观察到,在封锁之前,效价和觉醒都在逐渐增加。 The posts after the lockdown was imposed had higher valence and arousal than prelockdown posts. On the day of lockdown, the non-Hubei group had a temporarily boosted valence (γ20=0.118; SE 0.021; P<.001) and arousal (γ30=0.293; SE 0.022; P<.001). Compared with non-Hubei residents, the Wuhan group had smaller increases in valence (γ21=−0.172; SE 0.052; P<.001) and arousal (γ31=−0.262; SE 0.053; P<.001) on the day of lockdown. Weibo users’ emotional valence (γ40=0.000; SE 0.001; P=.71) and arousal (γ40=0.001; SE 0.001; P=.56) remained stable over the 2 weeks after the lockdown was imposed regardless of geographical location (valence: γ41=−0.004, SE 0.003, and P=.16; arousal: γ41=0.003, SE 0.003, and P=.26). Conclusions: During the early stages of the pandemic, most Weibo posts indicated a pleasant mood with low arousal. The overall increase in the posts’ valence and arousal after the lockdown announcement might indicate collective cohesion and mutual support in web-based communities during a public health crisis. Compared with the temporary increases in valence and arousal of non-Hubei users on the day of lockdown, Wuhan residents’ emotions were less affected by the announcement. Overall, our data suggest that Weibo users were not influenced by the lockdown measures in the 2 weeks after the lockdown announcement. Our findings offer policy makers insights into the usefulness of social connections in maintaining the psychological well-being of people affected by a lockdown. SN - 2561-326X UR - https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2022/11/e37698 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/37698 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36166650 DO - 10.2196/37698 ID - info:doi/10.2196/37698 ER -