TY -的盟Konteh弗雷德里克·哈桑盟——Mannion罗素盟-雅各布斯,罗威娜PY - 2022 DA - 2022/12/29 TI -它和精神卫生保健的质量和效率在COVID-19:案例研究心理健康提供者在英格兰乔- Res JMIR形式SP - e37533六世- 6 - 12 KW - COVID-19 KW -精神卫生保健KW -信息技术KW -数字KW -不平等KW -社会技术系统AB -背景:在英格兰,COVID-19严重影响了精神卫生保健,并考验了卫生保健提供者的应变能力。在许多领域,越来越多地使用IT使传统的服务交付模式得到支持,甚至被远程提供形式所取代。目的:本研究旨在评估大流行期间远程服务提供中信息技术的使用及其对精神卫生保健质量和效率的影响。我们利用社会技术系统理论作为概念框架来帮助构建数据的收集、分析和解释。方法:我们进行了一项全国性的范围调查,包括文献分析和对6个国家利益相关者的半结构化访谈,以及对4个有目的地选择的英国精神卫生提供者的案例研究,涉及对53名工作人员的访谈。结果:2019冠状病毒病爆发后,精神卫生服务提供者迅速调整了传统的服务提供形式,在大多数服务中转向数字和电话咨询。就疫情期间远程服务提供的质量和效率受到的影响,提供了细致入微的观点。值得注意的是,它允许提供者在面对COVID-19限制的情况下照顾尽可能多的患者,以方便患者和工作人员。其负面影响之一是,人们担心某些心理健康状况不佳的人不适合进行远程咨询,并有可能扩大数字鸿沟和加剧现有的不平等。 Sociotechnical systems theory was found to be a suitable framework for understanding the range of systemic and sociotechnical factors that influence the use of technology in mental health care delivery in times of crisis and normalcy. Conclusions: Although the use of IT has boosted mental health care delivery during the pandemic, it has had mixed effects on quality and efficiency. In general, patients have benefited from the convenience of remote consultation when face-to-face contact was impossible. In contrast, patient choice was often compromised, and patient experience and outcomes might have been affected for some people with mental health conditions for which remote consultation is less suitable. However, the full impact of IT on the quality and efficiency of mental health care provision along with the systemic and sociotechnical determinants requires more sustained and longitudinal research. SN - 2561-326X UR - https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2022/12/e37533 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/37533 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36423321 DO - 10.2196/37533 ID - info:doi/10.2196/37533 ER -