TY - JOUR AU - Minian, Nadia AU - sava, Anika AU - Gayapersad, Allison AU - Dragonetti, Rosa AU - Proulx, Catherine AU - Debergue, Patricia AU - Lecce, Julia AU - Hussain, Sarwar AU - Desjardins, Eric AU - Selby, Peter PY - 2022 DA - 2022/5/12 TI -从公平角度减轻大流行相关压力的视频游戏:开发和可用性研究乔- Res JMIR形式SP - e36820六世- 6 - 5 KW -视频游戏KW -认知行为疗法KW -可用性研究KW -自我保健KW -数字医疗KW -技术基础设施KW -视频游戏开发KW -用户参与度KW -用户感知KW - COVID-19 KW -心理健康KW -精神卫生保健系统KW -抑郁KW -焦虑KW -数字疗法AB -背景:由于加拿大人的抑郁、焦虑和压力显著上升,新型冠状病毒(COVID-19)的出现给本已脆弱的心理卫生保健系统带来了额外的压力。尽管认知行为疗法(CBT)被认为是一种有效的治疗方法,可以减少这种心理健康问题,但很少有人能够以一种引人入胜和可持续的方式获得CBT。为了弥补这一差距,成瘾和心理健康中心(CAMH)和加拿大国家研究委员会(NRC)合作开发了一款名为《伊夫利斯传奇》的电子游戏形式的基于cbt的自主、在线、临床医生测试模块,并评估了其在衰减与covid -19相关的压力增加方面的可用性。目的:我们在这里介绍了电子游戏形式的新自我护理模块的概念化和设计,它在技术基础设施中的实现,以及告知开发的包容性和隐私考虑。对这些模块的可用性研究是为了评估电子游戏的可用性、用户粘性和用户感知。方法:该视频游戏的开发涉及建立一个技术基础设施,以安全实现软件模块,并通过两个“白板”会议由临床医生领导对这些模块的临床效用进行评估。可用性研究采用了混合方法的顺序解释性设计,通过两个不同的阶段来评估移动应用程序的干预:使用应用程序内部分析数据和两次调查收集定量数据,然后通过半结构化访谈收集定性数据。结果:共有32名参与者试用了该应用程序2周。 They used the video game an average of six times and rated the game as “good” based on the Systems Usability Scale score. In terms of stress reduction, the study demonstrated a significant difference in the participants’ Perceived Stress Scale score at baseline (mean 22.14, SD 6.187) compared with that at the 2-week follow-up (mean 18.04, SD 6.083; t27=3.628, P=.001). Qualitative interviews helped participants identify numerous functionality issues and provided specific recommendations, most of which were successfully integrated into the video game for future release. Conclusions: Through this collaboration, we have established that it is possible to incorporate CBT exercises into a video game and have these exercises adopted to address stress. While video games are a promising strategy to help people with their stress and anxiety, there is a further need to examine the real-world effectiveness of the Legend of Evelys in reducing anxiety. SN - 2561-326X UR - https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2022/5/e36820 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/36820 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35413001 DO - 10.2196/36820 ID - info:doi/10.2196/36820 ER -