TY -的盟Bae ChulYoung AU -金,Bo-Seon AU - Cho,庆熙AU -金,Ji-Hyun AU -金,In-Hee AU -金,桢勋PY - 2023 DA - 2023/1/18 TI -定制的数字医疗服务对代谢综合征的影响地位和生活方式使用卫生保健应用:临床试验乔- Res JMIR形式SP - e41427六世- 7 KW -生物标志物KW -医疗KW -生活KW -代谢综合征KW -远程医疗AB -背景:由于COVID-19大流行的延长,非接触文化在世界各地迅速蔓延,导致医学和卫生保健领域的各种研究和技术发展,其中数字卫生保健是指在数字环境中提供的卫生保健服务。先前有关数字医疗保健的研究表明,它在管理高血压和糖尿病等慢性疾病方面是有效的。虽然许多研究已经将数字医疗保健应用于各种疾病,但健康个体在被诊断患有疾病之前需要进行日常医疗保健。因此,对未被诊断出患有某种疾病的个体进行研究也是必要的。目的:本研究旨在确定使用定制数字医疗服务(CDHCS)对代谢综合征(MS)危险因素和生活方式改善的影响。方法:研究对象为63名成年人,他们于2020年在国民健康保险公团一山医院接受了健康检查。测量变量包括临床基本指标、ms相关变量、生活方式变量。所有项目均在使用CDHCS前和使用后3个月在NHIS一山医院进行测量。本研究中使用的CDHCS是一款移动应用程序,通过识别用户的危险因素来分析用户的健康状况,并提供相应的医疗保健内容。 For comparison between before and after CDHCS use (pre-post comparison), paired t test was used for continuous variables, and a chi-square test was used for nominal variables. Results: The study population included 30 (47.6%) male and 33 (52.4%) female participants, and the mean age was 47.61 (SD 13.93) years. The changes in clinical indicators before and after intervention results showed a decrease in weight, waist circumference, triglyceride, and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and increases in systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure. The distribution of the risk group increased from 32 (50.8%) to 34 (54%) and that of the MS group decreased from 18 (28.6%) to 16 (25.4%). The mean metabolic syndrome age–chronological age before the CDHCS was 2.20 years, which decreased to 1.72 years after CDHCS, showing a decrease of 0.48 years in the mean metabolic syndrome age–chronological age after the intervention. While all lifestyle variables, except alcohol consumption, showed a tendency toward improvement, the differences were not statistically significant. Conclusions: Although there was no statistical significance in the variables under study, this pilot study will provide a foundation for more accurate verification of CDHCS in future research. SN - 2561-326X UR - https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2023/1/e41427 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/41427 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36652290 DO - 10.2196/41427 ID - info:doi/10.2196/41427 ER -