%0杂志文章%@ 2291- 9279% I JMIR出版物%V 10卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析% N 1% P e33059% T COVID-19大流行期间年轻人的游戏活动和游戏行为的可能变化:横断面在线调查研究%A Claesdotter-Knutsson,Emma %A André,Frida %A Håkansson,Anders %+隆德临床科学系,隆德大学医学院,Barav. 1,隆德,22185,瑞典,46 768871765,emma.claesdotter-knutsson@med.lu.se %K COVID-19大流行%K游戏%K屏幕时间%K心理压力%D 2022 %7 25.1.2022 %9原始论文%J JMIR严肃游戏%G英文%X背景:新冠肺炎疫情期间,学校和电影院关闭,休闲活动取消,聚会受到监管,年轻人的日常生活和社交活动发生了显著变化。媒体、学校、政策制定者和研究团体都提出了关于网络对年轻人上网行为的影响的问题。目的:这项横断面研究旨在研究瑞典COVID-19大流行期间游戏的自我报告变化,重点关注年轻人群。我们还想研究疫情期间问题游戏背后的潜在风险因素,包括游戏模式、赌博行为、心理困扰、某些社会人口特征、健康因素和学校情况。方法:这是一项针对瑞典网络小组参与者(n=1501)的匿名在线调查研究,以研究COVID-19大流行期间游戏行为的变化。通过对社会人口统计和健康因素的逻辑回归分析,自我报告的游戏增长进行了分析。结果:在报告游戏活动变化的研究人群中,我们发现他们在年龄、就业状况、可支配收入、是否玩过战利品箱、在家呆的时间、学校出勤率、心理困扰、赌博和游戏问题上存在显著差异,在饮酒和锻炼习惯的变化上也存在显著差异。在调查16 - 24岁年龄组的游戏活动变化时,我们发现该年龄组在可支配收入、在家时间和上学率方面存在显著差异。 When examining the 25–39-year-old age group who reported changes in gaming activity, we found significant differences within the group in employment status, disposable income, time spent at home, whether the respondents were studying, school attendance level, psychological distress, and gaming problems, as well as significant differences in changes in alcohol consumption and exercise habits. Psychological distress (all age groups analyzed together; 25–39-year-old age group), drinking less alcohol (all age groups analyzed together), spending more time at home (all age groups analyzed together), gaming problems, and exercising less (25–39-year-old age group) were positively correlated with a self-reported increase in gaming activity. Being employed (25–39-year-old age group) and being over 40 years of age (all age groups analyzed together) were negatively correlated with increased gaming. We found no significant correlations in the 16–24-year-old age group. Conclusions: Those who reported increased gaming during the COVID-19 pandemic were more likely to be 16 years to 39 years old. In the age group of 25 years to 39 years old, the increase was associated with psychological distress, reporting less exercise, and being unemployed. COVID-19 may present as a risk factor of increased online gaming in a small but vulnerable group. More research and preferably longitudinal studies are needed in the field of gaming and effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. %M 34817386 %R 10.2196/33059 %U https://games.www.mybigtv.com/2022/1/e33059 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/33059 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34817386