%0杂志文章%@ 2291- 9279% I JMIR Publica卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析tions %V 10% N 2% P e33412% T HelperFriend,一个促进儿童健康生活方式行为的严肃游戏:设计和试点研究%A espinisa - curiel,Ismael Edrein %A Pozas-Bogarin,Edgar Efrén %A Hernández-Arvizu,Maryleidi %A Navarro-Jiménez,Maria Elena %A Delgado-Pérez,Edwin Emeth %A Martínez-Miranda,Juan %A Pérez-Espinosa,Humberto %+ Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada, Unidad de Transferencia Tecnológica Tepic, Andador 10, entre calles 3 y 4, Ciudad del Conocimiento, Tepic,纳亚里特,63173,墨西哥,52 3111295930 ext 28607,ecuriel@cicese.mx %K严肃游戏%K儿童%K教育和行为改变%K健康生活方式行为%K体育活动%K健康饮食%K社会情感健康%D 2022 %7 6.5.2022 %9原始论文%J JMIR严肃游戏%G英语%X背景:使用健康游戏是教育和促进儿童健康生活方式行为的一种有前途的策略。目的:我们旨在描述一款名为helpfriend的严肃游戏的设计和开发,并在一项试点研究中评估其可行性、可接受性和对儿童的初步影响。helpfriend是一款替代体验式视频游戏,旨在促进幼儿的3种生活方式行为:体育活动、健康饮食和社会情感健康。方法:从一所小学招募8至11岁的参与者,并随机接受健康生活方式行为教育谈话(对照组)或与HelperFriend进行6次30分钟的游戏(干预)。在基线(T0)和干预后(即4周)(T1)进行评估。主要结果是知识的增加。次要结果是进行健康行为的意愿、饮食摄入和玩家满意度。结果:从T0到T1,干预组参与者在体力活动(t14=2.01, P=.03)、健康饮食(t14=3.14, P=.003)和社会情感健康(t14=2.75, P=.008)方面的知识得分有所增加。 In addition, from T0 to T1, the intervention group improved their intention to perform physical activity (t14=2.82, P=.006), healthy eating (t14=3.44, P=.002), and socioemotional wellness (t14=2.65, P=.009); and there was a reduction in their intake of 13 unhealthy foods. HelperFriend was well received by intervention group. Conclusions: HelperFriend appears to be feasible and acceptable for young children. In addition, this game seems to be a viable tool to help improve the knowledge, the intention to conduct healthy behaviors, and the dietary intake of children; however, a well-powered randomized controlled trial is needed to prove the efficacy of HelperFriend. %M 35522474 %R 10.2196/33412 %U https://games.www.mybigtv.com/2022/2/e33412 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/33412 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35522474