杂志文章@ 2291- 9279% I JMIR出版公司%V %N 2卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析% P e9% T只是一个时尚?健康和健身应用中的游戏化%A Lister,Cameron %A West,Joshua H %A Cannon,Ben %A Sax,Tyler %A Brodegard,David %+ LaughModel健康传播研究小组,杨百根大学,213 RB, Provo, UT, 84604,美国,1 9702316755,cameron@laughmodel.com %K游戏化%K手机%K行为健康%K健康和健身应用%D 2014 %7 04.08.2014 %9原创论文%J JMIR严肃游戏%G英文%X背景:近年来,游戏化一直是健康应用行业的主要焦点。然而,据我们所知,目前还没有关于游戏化元素与健康行为结构的评论,也没有关于游戏化在健康应用程序中真正扩散的见解。目的:本研究的目的是确定游戏化在健康应用程序中的使用程度,并分析健康和健身应用程序的游戏化作为影响消费者健康行为的潜在组成部分。方法:对2014年冬季苹果应用商店中与体育活动和饮食相关的健康和健身应用程序进行分析。本文分析了132款应用的10个有效游戏元素、健康游戏化的6个核心组件和13个核心健康行为结构。为了衡量健康行为结构、游戏化成分和有效游戏元素之间的相关性,进行了回归分析。结果:对最受欢迎应用的回顾显示,游戏化原则被广泛使用,但很少遵循任何专业指南或行业标准。回归分析显示,游戏元素与游戏化相关(P<.001)。 Behavioral theory was associated with gamification (P<.05), but not game elements, and upon further analysis gamification was only associated with composite motivational behavior scores (P<.001), and not capacity or opportunity/trigger. Conclusions: This research, to our knowledge, represents the first comprehensive review of gamification use in health and fitness apps, and the potential to impact health behavior. The results show that use of gamification in health and fitness apps has become immensely popular, as evidenced by the number of apps found in the Apple App Store containing at least some components of gamification. This shows a lack of integrating important elements of behavioral theory from the app industry, which can potentially impact the efficacy of gamification apps to change behavior. Apps represent a very promising, burgeoning market and landscape in which to disseminate health behavior change interventions. Initial results show an abundant use of gamification in health and fitness apps, which necessitates the in-depth study and evaluation of the potential of gamification to change health behaviors. %M 25654660 %R 10.2196/games.3413 %U http://games.www.mybigtv.com/2014/2/e9/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/games.3413 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25654660