杂志文章@ 2291- 9279% I JMIR出版物儿童的享受,用户卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析体验满意度,和学习之间的关系,在严肃的视频游戏营养教育:实证试点研究%A espinisa - curiel,Ismael Edrein %A Pozas-Bogarin,Edgar Efrén %A Martínez-Miranda,Juan %A Pérez-Espinosa,Humberto %+ Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada, Unidad de Transferencia Tecnológica Tepic, Andador 10, entre calles 3 y 4, Ciudad del conocimiento, Tepic, Nayarit, 63173, Mexico, 52 1295930 ext 28607,ecuriel@cicese.edu.mx %K严肃电子游戏%K儿童%K乐趣%K用户体验%K满意度%K基于游戏的学习%K营养%K严肃游戏%K试点研究%D 2020 %7 17.9.2020 %9原创论文%J JMIR严肃游戏%G英语%X背景:近年来针对儿童的严肃电子游戏的设计和使用有所增加。为了最大限度地发挥这些游戏的效果,了解孩子们在游戏中的经历是至关重要的。之前的研究表明,玩家的乐趣和用户体验满意度是影响严肃电子游戏成功和玩家学习的主要因素。然而,关于8 - 10岁儿童学习的乐趣和用户体验满意度之间关系的研究很少。目的:我们研究了8至10岁儿童在玩健康电子游戏时的乐趣和用户体验满意度与学习的关系。这个严肃的视频游戏教孩子们健康和不健康食品的特征,以及如何在他们的环境中识别它们。方法:从墨西哥一所小学招募8至10岁的儿童。参与者在6周内使用FoodRateMaster完成了12次独立游戏。 A food knowledge questionnaire was administered before and after game play to assess the players’ food knowledge. In addition, after the gaming sessions, the children’s enjoyment and user experience satisfaction were evaluated using the EGameFlow questionnaire and the Game User Experience Satisfaction Scale (GUESS) questionnaire. Results: We found significant positive associations for children’s (n=60) posttest knowledge with enjoyment (r58=0.36, P=.005) and user experience satisfaction (r58=0.27, P=.04). The children’s posttest knowledge scores were also positively correlated with challenge (r58=0.38, P=.003), knowledge improvement (r58=0.38, P=.003), and goal clarity (r58=0.29, P=.02) EGameFlow subscales and with narrative (r58=0.35, P=.006), creative freedom (r58=0.26, P=.04), and visual esthetics (r58=0.32, P=.01) GUESS subscales. Regression analysis indicated that the EGameFlow (F7,52=2.74, P=.02, R2=0.27) and the GUESS (F8,51=2.20, P=.04, R2=0.26) ratings significantly predicted the children’s posttest knowledge scores. EGameFlow challenge (β=0.40, t52=2.17, P=.04) and knowledge improvement (β=0.29, t52=2.06, P=.04) subscales significantly contributed to predicting children’s learning. None of the GUESS subscales significantly contributed to predicting children’s learning. Conclusions: The findings of this study suggest that both enjoyment and user experience satisfaction for children aged 8 to 10 years were positively correlated with their learning and that were significant predictors of it. Challenge, knowledge improvement, narrative, creative freedom, and visual esthetics subscales correlated positively with children’s learning. In addition, challenge and knowledge improvement contributed to predicting their learning. These results are relevant to consider during the design stages of serious games developed for young children’s learning purposes. %M 32940609 %R 10.2196/21813 %U http://games.www.mybigtv.com/2020/3/e21813/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/21813 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32940609