@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / humanfactors。9039,作者=“Hyde, Lisa L and Boyes, Allison W and Evans, tiffny - jane and Mackenzie, Lisa J and Sanson-Fisher, Rob”,标题=“磁共振成像和计算机断层扫描门诊患者电子健康素养量表的三因素结构:验证性因素分析”,期刊=“JMIR Hum Factors”,年=“2018”,月=“2月”,日=“19”,卷=“5”,数=“1”,页=“e6”,关键词=“eHealth;读写能力;因子分析;措施;背景:电子健康(eHealth)素养是有效利用基于网络的健康资源所必需的。8项电子卫生素养量表(eHEALS)是一种常用的电子卫生素养自我报告测量方法。积累的证据表明eHEALS是单维的。然而,萨德伯里-莱利及其同事最近的一项研究表明,理论上的三因素模型比单因素模型更适合。确定的3个因素是意识(2项)、技能(3项)和评价(3项)。 It is important to determine whether these findings can be replicated in other populations. Objective: The aim of this cross-sectional study was to verify the three-factor eHEALS structure among magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) medical imaging outpatients. Methods: MRI and CT outpatients were recruited consecutively in the waiting room of one major public hospital. Participants self-completed a touchscreen computer survey, assessing their sociodemographic, scan, and internet use characteristics. The eHEALS was administered to internet users, and the three-factor structure was tested using structural equation modeling. Results: Of 405 invited patients, 87.4{\%} (354/405) were interested in participating in the study, and of these, 75.7{\%} (268/354) were eligible. Of the eligible participants, 95.5{\%} (256/268) completed all eHEALS items. Factor loadings were 0.80 to 0.94 and statistically significant (P<.001). All reliability measures were acceptable (indicator reliability: awareness=.71-.89, skills=.78-.80, evaluate=.64-.79; composite reliability: awareness=.89, skills=.92, evaluate=.89; variance extracted estimates: awareness=.80, skills=.79, evaluate=.72). Two out of three goodness-of-fit indices were adequate (standardized root mean square residual (SRMR)=.038; comparative fit index (CFI)=.944; root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA)=.156). Item 3 was removed because of its significant correlation with item 2 (Lagrange multiplier [LM] estimate 104.02; P<.001) and high loading on 2 factors (LM estimate 91.11; P<.001). All 3 indices of the resulting 7-item model indicated goodness of fit ($\chi$211=11.3; SRMR=.013; CFI=.999; RMSEA=.011). Conclusions: The three-factor eHEALS structure was supported in this sample of MRI and CT medical imaging outpatients. Although further factorial validation studies are needed, these 3 scale factors may be used to identify individuals who could benefit from interventions to improve eHealth literacy awareness, skill, and evaluation competencies. ", issn="2292-9495", doi="10.2196/humanfactors.9039", url="http://humanfactors.www.mybigtv.com/2018/1/e6/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/humanfactors.9039", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29459356" }