@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/29197,作者="Markossian, Talar W和Boyda, Jason和Taylor, Jennifer和Etingen, Bella和Modave, Fran{\c{c}}ois和Price, Ron和Kramer, Holly J",标题="支持慢性肾病自我管理的移动应用程序:开发研究",期刊="JMIR Hum Factors",年="2021",月=" 12月",日="15",卷="8",数="4",页数="e29197",关键词="慢性肾病;手机应用程序;自我管理;移动健康;移动应用;数字健康;肾脏疾病;背景:慢性肾脏疾病(CKD)是一种常见且昂贵的疾病,通常伴有多种合并症,包括2型糖尿病、高血压和肥胖。CKD的适当管理可以延迟或预防肾衰竭,并有助于减轻心血管疾病风险,心血管疾病风险随着肾功能下降而增加。智能设备应用程序具有增强患者对慢性疾病(包括CKD)自我管理的潜力。 Objective: The objective of this study was to develop a mobile app to facilitate self-management of nondialysis-dependent CKD. Methods: Our stakeholder team included 4 patients with stage 3-4 nondialysis-dependent CKD; a kidney transplant recipient; a caretaker; CKD care providers (pharmacists, a nurse, primary care physicians, a nephrologist, and a cardiologist); 2 health services and CKD researchers; a researcher in biomedical informatics, nutrition, and obesity; a system developer; and 2 programmers. Focus groups and in-person interviews with the patients and providers were conducted using a focus group and interview guide based on existing literature on CKD self-management and the mobile app quality criteria from the Mobile App Rating Scale. Qualitative analytic methods including the constant comparative method were used to analyze the focus group and interview data. Results: Patients and providers identified and discussed a list of requirements and preferences regarding the content, features, and technical aspects of the mobile app, which are unique for CKD self-management. Requirements and preferences centered along themes of communication between patients and caregivers, partnership in care, self-care activities, adherence to treatment regimens, and self-care self-efficacy. These identified themes informed the features and content of our mobile app. The mobile app user can enter health data including blood pressure, weight, and blood glucose levels. Symptoms and their severity can also be entered, and users are prompted to contact a physician as indicated by the symptom and its severity. Next, mobile app users can select biweekly goals from a set of predetermined goals with the option to enter customized goals. The user can also keep a list of medications and track medication use. Our app includes feedback mechanisms where in-range values for health data are depicted in green and out-of-range values are depicted in red. We ensured that data entered by patients could be downloaded into a user-friendly report, which could be emailed or uploaded to an electronic health record. The mobile app also includes a mechanism that allows either group or individualized video chat meetings with a provider to facilitate either group support, education, or even virtual clinic visits. The CKD app also includes educational material on CKD and its symptoms. Conclusions: Patients with CKD and CKD care providers believe that a mobile app can enhance CKD self-management by facilitating patient-provider communication and enabling self-care activities including treatment adherence. ", issn="2292-9495", doi="10.2196/29197", url="https://humanfactors.www.mybigtv.com/2021/4/e29197", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/29197", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34914614" }