@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/30091,作者="Hawthorne, Grace and Greening, Neil and Esliger, Dale and Briggs-Price, Samuel and Richardson, Matthew and Chaplin, Emma and Clinch, Lisa and Steiner, Michael C and Singh, Sally J and Orme, Mark W",标题="可穿戴多参数技术持续监测慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者自由生活生命体征的可用性:前瞻性观察研究",期刊="JMIR Hum Factors",年="2022",月="2月",日="16",卷="9",数="1",页数="e30091",关键词="慢性阻塞性肺疾病;数字健康;身体活动;呼吸速率;可穿戴技术;可穿戴设备;背景:生命体征监测(VSM)是住院患者的常规方法,但在慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)中,自由生活条件下的监测在很大程度上尚未得到验证。目的:探讨应用可穿戴多参数技术连续VSM治疗COPD患者的可用性和可接受性。方法:总共50名因慢性阻塞性肺病急性加重(AECOPD)住院的患者和50名COPD症状稳定的患者被要求在清醒时间佩戴等量生命监测仪6周(42天)。 The device recorded heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), skin temperature, and physical activity. Adherence was defined by the number of days the vest was worn and daily wear time. Signal quality was examined, with thresholds of ≥85{\%} for HR and ≥80{\%} for RR, based on the device's proprietary confidence algorithm. Data quality was calculated as the percentage of wear time with acceptable signal quality. Participant feedback was assessed during follow-up phone calls. Results: In total, 84{\%} of participants provided data, with average daily wear time of 11.8 (SD 2.2) hours for 32 (SD 11) days (average of study duration 76{\%}, SD 26{\%}). There was greater adherence in the stable group than in the post-AECOPD group (≥5 weeks wear: 71.4{\%} vs 45.7{\%}; P=.02). For all 84 participants, the median HR signal quality was 90{\%} (IQR 80{\%}-94{\%}) and the median RR signal quality was 93{\%} (IQR 92{\%}-95{\%}). The median HR data quality was 81{\%} (IQR 58{\%}-91{\%}), and the median RR data quality was 85{\%} (IQR 77{\%}-91{\%}). Stable group BMI was associated with HR signal quality (rs=0.45, P=.008) and HR data quality (rs=0.44, P=.008). For the AECOPD group, RR data quality was associated with waist circumference and BMI (rs=--0.49, P=.009; rs=--0.44, P=.02). In total, 36 (74{\%}) participants in the Stable group and 21 (60{\%}) participants in the AECOPD group accepted the technology, but 10 participants (12{\%}) expressed concerns with wearing a device around their chest. Conclusions: This wearable multiparametric technology showed good user acceptance and was able to measure vital signs in a COPD population. Data quality was generally high but was influenced by body composition. Overall, it was feasible to continuously measure vital signs during free-living conditions in people with COPD symptoms but with additional challenges in the post-AECOPD context. ", issn="2292-9495", doi="10.2196/30091", url="https://humanfactors.www.mybigtv.com/2022/1/e30091", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/30091", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35171101" }