@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/33706,作者=“蒂尔,Bram和Iao,伊内兹和Smid, Joris和de Wit, Emmy和Koopman, Seppe和Geerts, Bart和Godfried, Marc和Kalkman, Cor”,标题=“采用术后疼痛自我报告工具:定性研究”,期刊=“JMIR Hum因素”,年=“2022”,月=“Apr”,日=“26”,卷=“9”,数字=“2”,页=“e33706”,关键词=“创新;电子健康采用模式,移动健康;疼痛;自我报告;围手术期医学;术后疼痛;背景:电子技术为患者提供了方便获取信息、管理和记录自身健康状况的工具。电子卫生干预措施已广泛应用于围手术期护理。以类似的方式,我们的目标是利用智能手机应用程序使术后患者能够部分地自我管理他们的术后疼痛。之前进行的关于应用程序的概念验证研究的结果是有希望的,护士和患者都对这一创新的移动应用程序持乐观态度。 Nevertheless, in reality, it appears that the usage and overall implementation of this application have stagnated since its introduction. Problems with innovation adoption are not novel; various studies have been conducted to explore the reasons for low implementation success of eHealth applications and indicated that adoption is influenced by multiple organizational factors. This study investigated the influence of these organizational factors on the adoption process, aiming to provide more insight in the dos and don'ts for implementing eHealth in the working processes of hospital care. Objective: This study aimed to provide insight in how to successfully implement a technological eHealth innovation in a general nonacademic hospital. Methods: A qualitative study was conducted to explore organizational factors affecting the innovation adoption process. Data were collected by conducting semistructured one-on-one interviews with 11 stakeholders. The data were analyzed using thematic analysis identifying overarching themes. Results: Absorptive capacity, referred to as an organization's dynamic capability pertaining to knowledge creation and utilization that enhances an organization's ability to gain and sustain a competitive advantage, was regarded as the most influential factor on the application's adoption. Accordingly, it appeared that innovation adoption is mainly determined by the capability and willingness to assimilate and transform new information into productive use and the ability to absorb a novel innovation. Absorptive capacity was found to be influenced by the innovation's benefit and the sense of ownership and responsibility. Organizational readiness and management support were also regarded as essential since absorptive capacity seemed to be mediated by these factors. The size of the hospital influenced eHealth adoption by the amount of resources available and by its organizational structure. Conclusions: In conclusion, absorptive capacity is essential for eHealth adoption, and it is mediated by management support and organizational readiness. It is recommended to increase the degree of willingness and ability to adopt an eHealth innovation by enhancing the relevance, engaging stakeholders, and assigning appropriate leaders to offer guidance. ", issn="2292-9495", doi="10.2196/33706", url="https://humanfactors.www.mybigtv.com/2022/2/e33706", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/33706", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35471472" }