杂志文章%@ 2292- 9495% I JMIR出版物%V 10% 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析N %P e39114%重症监护病房医生对基于人工智能的临床决策支持工具的看法:实施前调查研究%A van der Meijden,Siri L %A de Hond,Anne A H %A Thoral,Patrick J %A Steyerberg,Ewout W %A Kant,Ilse M J %A Cinà,Giovanni %A Arbous,M Sesmu %+莱顿大学医学中心重症监护室,莱顿,2333 ZA,荷兰,31 71 526 9111,S.L.van_der_meijden@lumc.nl %K重症监护病房%K医院%K出院%K人工智能%K AI %K临床决策支持%K临床支持%K接受%K决策支持%K决策%K数字健康%K电子健康%K调查%K观点%K态度%K意见%K采用%K预测%K风险%D 2023 %7 5.1.2023 %9原始论文%J JMIR Hum因素%G英语%X背景:基于人工智能的临床决策支持(AI-CDS)工具对重症监护病房(ICU)患者和医生有很大的潜力。这些工具的开发和实现之间存在差距。目的:我们的目的是在实施出院AI-CDS工具预测ICU出院后再入院和死亡风险之前,调查医生的观点和他们当前的决策行为。方法:我们在2021年7月至11月期间对参与两家荷兰学术icu患者出院决策的医生进行了调查。问题被分为四个领域:(1)医生目前对ICU患者出院的决策行为,(2)对AI-CDS工具一般使用的看法,(3)将出院AI-CDS工具纳入日常临床实践的意愿,(4)在日常工作流程中使用出院AI-CDS工具的偏好。结果:64名受访者(93名接触者,69%)中的大多数人熟悉AI(62/64, 97%),并对AI抱有积极的期望,64人中有55人(86%)认为AI可以支持他们作为医生的工作。受访者对患者出院的决定是否复杂存在分歧(23/64,36%同意,22/64,34%不同意); nonetheless, most (59/64, 92%) agreed that a discharge AI-CDS tool could be of value. Significant differences were observed between physicians from the 2 academic sites, which may be related to different levels of involvement in the development of the discharge AI-CDS tool. Conclusions: ICU physicians showed a favorable attitude toward the integration of AI-CDS tools into the ICU setting in general, and in particular toward a tool to predict a patient’s risk of readmission and mortality within 7 days after discharge. The findings of this questionnaire will be used to improve the implementation process and training of end users. %M 36602843 %R 10.2196/39114 %U https://humanfactors.www.mybigtv.com/2023/1/e39114 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/39114 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36602843