%0期刊文章%@ 2292-9495 %I JMIR出版物%V 10%卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 N %P e41239 %T在数字环境中基于体育活动的社会比较的选择和响应:日常评估研究系列%A Arigo,Danielle %A Gray,Robert C %A Dallal,Diane H %A Villareale,Jennifer A Zhu,Jichen +罗文大学心理学系,201 Mullica Hill Road, Glassboro, NJ, 08028,美国,1 856 256 4500 ext 53775, arigo@rowan.edu %K社会比较%K体育活动%K动机%K网络平台%K选择%K运动%K健身%K手机%D 2023 %7 27.2.2023 %9原始论文%J JMIR Hum Factors %G英语%X背景:需要创新的方法来了解运动不足的成年人身体活动的障碍和促进因素。虽然社会比较过程(即相对于他人的自我评价)经常被用于激励数字环境中的身体活动,但用户的偏好和对比较信息的反应却知之甚少。目的:我们使用迭代方法来更好地理解用户对比较目标的选择,他们如何与所选目标交互,以及他们如何对这些目标做出反应。方法:在3项研究中,不同的运动不足的大学生样本使用Fitbit系统(Fitbit LLC)每天跟踪他们的步数,并每天使用单独的自适应网络平台跟踪他们的步数,持续7至9天(N=112)。适应性平台为每项研究设计了不同的布局;每一项都允许参与者从各种选项中选择他们最喜欢的比较目标,查看关于所选目标的所需数量的信息,并在查看所选目标的信息之前和之后评估他们的体育活动动机。目标是指每天通过Fitbit系统获得低于或高于自身水平的体育活动。我们检查了比较目标选择的类型,为每种类型的目标花费的时间和查看元素的数量,以及比较选择和体育活动结果(动机和行为)之间的日水平关联。 Results: Study 1 (n=5) demonstrated that the new web platform could be used as intended and that participants’ interactions with the platform (ie, the type of target selected, the time spent viewing the selected target’s profile, and the number of profile elements viewed) varied across the days. Studies 2 (n=53) and 3 (n=54) replicated these findings; in both studies, age was positively associated with time spent viewing the selected target’s profile and the number of profile elements viewed. Across all studies, upward targets (who had more steps per day than the participant) were selected more often than downward targets (who had fewer steps per day than the participant), although only a subset of either type of target selection was associated with benefits for physical activity motivation or behavior. Conclusions: Capturing physical activity–based social comparison preferences is feasible in an adaptive digital environment, and day-to-day differences in preferences for social comparison targets are associated with day-to-day changes in physical activity motivation and behavior. Findings show that participants only sometimes focus on the comparison opportunities that support their physical activity motivation or behavior, which helps explain previous, equivocal findings regarding the benefits of physical activity–based comparisons. Additional investigation of day-level determinants of comparison selections and responses is needed to fully understand how best to harness comparison processes in digital tools to promote physical activity. %M 36848204 %R 10.2196/41239 %U https://humanfactors.www.mybigtv.com/2023/1/e41239 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/41239 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36848204