TY -的盟Elnaggar - AU -冯Oppenfeld,茱莉亚盟,Whooley玛丽盟——Merek,斯蒂芬妮盟——公园,琳达G PY - 2021 DA - 2021/9/2 TI -应用移动技术来维持身体活动完成后的心脏康复:可接受性研究乔- JMIR哼因素SP - e25356六世- 8 - 3 KW -身体活动KW -心脏康复KW -数字医疗KW -移动应用KW -可穿戴设备,移动医疗KW -手机AB -背景:许多患者在完成心脏康复(CR)计划后没有达到推荐的体力活动水平。可穿戴式活动跟踪器和手机应用程序是在CR完成后保持身体活动的潜在自我管理工具。目的:本研究旨在评估可穿戴设备、移动应用程序和推送消息的可接受性,以促进CR完成后的身体活动。方法:我们使用半结构化访谈来评估各种移动技术的可接受性后,参与了一个试点随机对照试验。随机对照试验中的干预患者佩戴Fitbit Charge 2,使用Movn移动应用程序,并接收心血管疾病预防和体育活动的推送消息,持续2个多月。我们询问了26个干预组参与者对他们使用该技术的经验的反馈,并对7名具有代表性的参与者进行了半结构化的个人访谈。我们使用主题分析从个别访谈中创建主题。结果:我们的样本包括平均年龄为66.7岁(SD 8.6岁)的参与者;23%(6/26)为女性。 Overall, there were varying levels of satisfaction with different technology components. There were 7 participants who completed the satisfaction questionnaires and participated in the interviews. The Fitbit and Movn mobile app received high satisfaction scores of 4.86 and 4.5, respectively, whereas push messages had a score of 3.14 out of 5. We identified four main themes through the interviews: technology use increased motivation to be physically active, technology use served as a reminder to be physically active, recommendations for technology to improve user experience, and desire for personal feedback. Conclusions: By applying a wearable activity tracker, mobile phone app, and push messages, our study showed strong potential for the adoption of new technologies by older adults to maintain physical activity after CR completion. Future research should include a larger sample over a longer period using a mixed methods approach to assess the efficacy of technology use for promoting long-term physical activity behavior in older adults. SN - 2292-9495 UR - https://humanfactors.www.mybigtv.com/2021/3/e25356 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/25356 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34473064 DO - 10.2196/25356 ID - info:doi/10.2196/25356 ER -