TY -非盟的阴,荣盟——法律,凯瑟琳盟——Neyens大卫PY - 2021 DA - 2021/9/21 TI -检查互联网用户信任和如何访问电子健康记录病人门户:调查研究乔- JMIR哼因素SP - e28501六世- 8 - 3 KW -互联网KW -消费者健康信息学KW -病人门户KW -参与医学KW -电子健康记录KW -物流模型KW -千瓦调查问卷AB -背景:电子健康记录(EHR)患者门户旨在为患者提供医疗健康记录。使用电子病历门户网站有望促进积极的健康结果,并促进患者与提供者的沟通。目的:我们的目的是研究门户用户如何报告使用他们的门户网站,以及与从互联网获得健康信息相关的因素。我们还研究了所需的门户功能、影响用户对门户信任的因素以及使用门户的障碍。方法:使用Amazon Mechanical Turk进行基于互联网的调查研究。所有的参与者都是使用患者门户的美国成年人。调查的问题包括参与者如何使用他们的门户网站,什么因素成为使用门户网站的障碍,以及他们如何使用和信任多少其他基于网络的健康信息来源及其门户网站。采用逻辑回归模型分析了影响参与者对门户网站信任的因素。此外,还确定了所需的功能和设计特征,以支持未来门户的设计。 Results: A total of 394 participants completed the survey. Most of the participants were less than 35 years old (212/394, 53.8%), with 36.3% (143/394) aged between 35 and 55 years, and 9.9% (39/394) aged above 55 years. Women accounted for 48.5% (191/394) of the survey participants. More than 78% (307/394) of the participants reported using portals at least monthly. The most common portal features used were viewing lab results, making appointments, and paying bills. Participants reported some barriers to portal use including data security and limited access to the internet. The results of a logistic regression model used to predict the trust in their portals suggest that those comfortable using their portals (odds ratio [OR] 7.97, 95% CI 1.11-57.32) thought that their portals were easy to use (OR 7.4, 95% CI 1.12-48.84), and frequent internet users (OR 43.72, 95% CI 1.83-1046.43) were more likely to trust their portals. Participants reporting that the portals were important in managing their health (OR 28.13, 95% CI 5.31-148.85) and that their portals were a valuable part of their health care (OR 6.75, 95% CI 1.51-30.11) were also more likely to trust their portals. Conclusions: There are several factors that impact the trust of EHR patient portal users in their portals. Designing easily usable portals and considering these factors may be the most effective approach to improving trust in patient portals. The desired features and usability of portals are critical factors that contribute to users’ trust in EHR portals. SN - 2292-9495 UR - https://humanfactors.www.mybigtv.com/2021/3/e28501 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/28501 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34546182 DO - 10.2196/28501 ID - info:doi/10.2196/28501 ER -