TY -的AU -芬克尔斯坦,朱莉娅•B非盟- Tremblay爱丽丝年代非盟-范·凯恩,梅丽莎AU - Farber-Chen,亚伦AU -舒曼,凯特琳AU -布朗,克里斯蒂娜AU -沙阿,Ankoor年代AU -罗兹,Erinn T PY - 2021 DA - 2021/12/2 TI -儿科医生的使用远程医疗:定性访谈研究乔- JMIR哼因素SP - e29941六世- 8 - 4 KW -儿科KW -远程医疗KW -视频访问KW交流KW - AB进行方式背景:床边态度描述了临床医生如何与病人相处。远程医疗允许临床医生使用数字工具与患者进行虚拟连接。有效的虚拟交流或网络方式可能需要对传统的床边方式进行修改。目的:本研究旨在了解某大型儿童医院远程医疗提供者进行患者对提供者虚拟就诊和与家庭沟通的经验,为未来临床医生的项目开发和培训提供信息。方法:在COVID-19大流行前进行虚拟就诊的儿科临床医生(N=11)共2个焦点小组(N=11),他们具有一系列经验和专业,讨论经验、实施和实践相关问题。使用一份涵盖一般经验、准备、关系战略和建议的半结构化指南为焦点小组提供便利。会议以数字方式记录,并审查相应的文本以进行数据分析。根据确定的主要主题和次要主题对抄本进行编码。在对这些代码进行更高层次分析的基础上,研究作者生成了一组最终的关键主题来描述收集到的数据。 Results: Theme consistency was identified across diverse participants, although individual clinician experiences were influenced by their specialties and practices. A total of 3 key themes emerged regarding the development of best practices, barriers to scalability, and establishing patient rapport. Issues and concerns related to privacy were salient across all themes. Clinicians felt that telemedicine required new skills for patient interaction, and not all were comfortable with their training. Conclusions: Telemedicine provides benefits as well as challenges to health care delivery. In interprofessional focus groups, pediatric clinicians emphasized the importance of considering safety and privacy to promote rapport and webside manner when conducting virtual visits. The inclusion of webside manner instructions within training curricula is crucial as telemedicine becomes an established modality for providing health care. SN - 2292-9495 UR - https://humanfactors.www.mybigtv.com/2021/4/e29941 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/29941 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34860669 DO - 10.2196/29941 ID - info:doi/10.2196/29941 ER -