@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jopm。8846,作者="Wildevuur, Sabine和Thomese, Fleur和Ferguson, Julie和Klink, Ab",标题="信息和通信技术支持慢性疾病自我管理:加强以人为本护理伙伴关系的先决条件",期刊="J Participat Med",年="2017",月=" 7月",日="07",卷="9",数="1",页="e14",关键词="以人为本的护理;慢性病管理;癌症;自我管理;伙伴关系;信息;沟通;目的:为了减轻日益流行的慢性病给卫生保健系统带来的压力,正在引入信息和通信技术(ICT),通过支持患者和卫生保健专业人员之间的伙伴关系,使慢性疾病的自我管理成为可能。这种向慢性疾病自我管理的转变伴随着重点的转变,即将患者及其对慢性疾病的看法作为一个全面的合作伙伴纳入卫生保健系统。 This new perspective has been described as ``person-centered care'' (PCC). To date, information and communication technologies only partially build on the principles of PCC. This paper examines the preconditions of ICT to enable a person-centered approach to chronic disease management. Methods: Using cancer treatment as a case study for ICT-enabled PCC, we conducted a comparative analysis of thirteen scientific studies on interventions presented as ICT-enabled PCC for cancer treatment, to answer the research question: What are the preconditions of ICT-enabled PCC in chronic disease management? Based on the intended and actual outcomes, we distilled in several analytic steps the preconditions of ICT-enabled PCC for chronic disease self-management. Results: We distinguished four user-related preconditions of ICT-enabled PCC: (shared) decision making, personalized ICT, health-related quality of life, and efficiency. Conclusions: We argue that these four preconditions together can improve people's self-management of chronic diseases by strengthening the partnership between the patient and the healthcare professional. Moreover, the study revealed a discrepancy between intended and reported actual outcomes in terms of realizing person-centered care. ", issn="2152-7202", doi="10.2196/jopm.8846", url="http://jopm.www.mybigtv.com/2017/1/e14/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jopm.8846" }