@文章{info:doi/10.2196/26419,作者="左丽士",标题="使用社交媒体在医疗专业人员中实施诊断、咨询、培训和病例报告以改善患者护理:跨卫生保健设置的微信群体的案例研究",期刊="JMIR医学教育",年="2022",月=" 7 ",日="29",卷="8",数="3",页="e26419",关键词="mHealth;微信;实施的研究;资源匮乏;创新医疗技术;数字健康;医学教育;社交媒体;移动保健技术;背景:在低资源和中资源环境中的卫生专业人员获得诊断和治疗疾病、培训医务人员、审查新传播的准则和出版物以及为国际疾病报告准备数据等最新资源的机会有限。 A concomitant difficulty in high-resource settings is the need for continuing education and skills up-training in innovative procedures on unfamiliar social media platforms. These challenges can delay both patient care and epidemiological surveillance efforts. To overcome these challenges, health professionals have adapted WeChat Groups to implement timely, low-cost, and high-quality patient care. Objective: The primary study aim was to describe the processes taken by medical professionals across their diverse physical and virtual networks in adapting a bottom-up approach to collectively overcome resource shortages. The secondary study aim was to delineate the pathways, procedures, and resource/information sharing implemented by medical professionals using an international publicly available popular social media app (WeChat) to enhance performance of facility-based procedures and protocols for improved patient care. Methods: In-depth interviews, observations, and digital ethnography of WeChat Groups communications were collected from medical professionals in interconnected networks of health care facilities. Participants' WeChat Groups usage and observations of their professional functions in interconnected networks were collected from November 2018 to 2019. Qualitative analysis and thematic coding were used to develop constructs and themes in NVivo. Constructs incorporated descriptions for the implementation and uses of WeChat Groups for professional connections, health care procedures, and patient care. Themes supporting the constructs focused on the pathways and venues used by medical professionals to build trust, to establish and solidify online networks, and to identify requests and resource sharing within WeChat Groups. Results: There were 58 participants (males 36 and females 22) distributed across 24 health care settings spanning geographical networks in south China. Analysis yielded 4 constructs and 11 themes delineating the bottom-up usage of WeChat Groups among clinicians, technicians, nurses, pharmacists, and public health administrators. Participants used WeChat Groups for collectively training hospital staff in complex new procedures, processing timely diagnoses of biological specimens, staying abreast of latest trends and clinical procedures and symptoms, and contributing to case reporting for emergent illnesses and international surveillance reporting. An unexpected strength of implementing clinical, training, and research support on a popular app with international coverage is the added ability to overcome administrative and geographic barriers in resource distribution. This advantage increased a network's access to WeChat Groups members both working within China and abroad, greatly expanding the scope of shared resources. Conclusions: The organic, bottom-up approach of repurposing extant social media apps is low cost and efficient for timely implementation to improve patient care. WeChat's international user base enables medical staff to access widespread professional networks across geographic, administrative, and economic barriers, with potential to reduce health disparities in low-resource settings. ", issn="2369-3762", doi="10.2196/26419", url="https://mededu.www.mybigtv.com/2022/3/e26419", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/26419", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35904858" }