TY - JOUR AU - Barteit, Sandra AU - Jahn, Albrecht AU - Bowa, Annel AU - Lüders, Sigrid AU - Malunga, Gregory AU - Marimo, Clemence AU - Wolter, Sigrid AU - Neuhann, Florian PY - 2018 DA - 2018/11/27 TI -自主电子学习如何促进赞比亚执业医师培训:混合方法研究试点阶段的评价JO - JMIR Med Educ SP - e10222 VL - 4is - 2kw -评估KW -医疗电子学习KW -干预KW -可持续性KW -有效性KW -采用KW -保健工作者KW -农村保健KW -撒哈拉以南非洲AB -背景:赞比亚面临严重的保健工作者短缺,特别是在农村地区。为了解决这一短缺问题,2002年在首都卢萨卡的Chainama卫生科学学院启动了医疗执照项目。该方案的目标是缓解治疗护理方面人力资源的短缺。在职培训在赞比亚各地分散的教学医院进行。然而,该方案面临着重大挑战,如缺乏高级医学教员和学习材料。目的:我们的目标是通过引入一个自主的、带有离线平板电脑的电子学习平台来解决这些挑战,作为协作式混合学习干预的一部分,以补充当地的教学和培训。方法:采用融合并行设计的混合方法对电子学习平台的试点阶段进行评估。采用了各种方法来测试数据的充分性和产生有效结果的潜力。方法包括根据DeLone和McLean的技术接受模型和信息系统成功模型进行问卷调查、半结构化访谈、学习者日记、预测试、使用数据收集、考试结果、人口统计数据和非正式反馈。 Outcome measures included usage, adoption, efficiency, acceptance, user-friendliness, and gained knowledge and skills. Results: In total, 52 students and 17 medical instructors participated in the pilot evaluation. The questionnaire results showed a high acceptance of the technology (>80%) and high agreement (>75%) with the e-learning platform. Semistructured interview results showed an overall appreciation of the e-learning intervention, but the need for more e-learning materials. Respondents identified a need for multimedia materials that transfer skills such as medical procedure visualization and interactive exercises to practice procedural knowledge. The learning diaries identified the lack of specific learning materials and potential shortcomings of existing learning materials. However, students were satisfied with the current e-learning content. The majority of students used the e-learning platform offline on their tablets; online e-learning was underutilized. Conclusions: The pilot phase of the tablet-based e-learning platform to support the self-directed learning intervention was well received and appreciated by students and medical instructors of Chainama College of Health Sciences. E-learning for knowledge acquisition appears to be adequate and feasible for this low-resource educational environment. Our evaluation results guide the further development of the full implementation of the e-learning platform in this educational setting. E-learning materials should reflect curriculum requirements, and additional multimedia and interactive content is needed, as well as improved integration and active participation from medical instructors in the e-learning processes. SN - 2369-3762 UR - http://mededu.www.mybigtv.com/2018/2/e10222/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/10222 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30482744 DO - 10.2196/10222 ID - info:doi/10.2196/10222 ER -