TY - JOUR AU - McLeod, Graeme AU - McKendrick, Mel AU - Tafili, Tedis AU - Obregon, Mateo AU - Neary, Ruth AU - Mustafa, Ayman AU - Raju, Pavan AU - Kean, Donna AU - McKendrick, Gary AU - McKendrick,周二PY - 2022 DA - 2022/8/11 TI -麻醉医师在软的尸体上模拟交叉交叉块训练时的技能习得模式:队列研究JO - JMIR Med Educ SP - e32840 VL - 8 IS - 3kw -区域麻醉KW -超声检查KW -模拟KW -学习曲线KW -眼动跟踪AB背景:大手术对区域麻醉的需求大幅增加,但只有少数麻醉师能够提供这种护理。模拟可以改善临床表现。然而,排练手术的机会有限,而且皇家麻醉师学院2021年培训课程规定的临床教育成果很难达到。教育模式,如掌握学习和专门实践,正越来越多地用于教授技术技能,以提高技能的获得。此外,高保真、有弹性的尸体模拟器现在已经可用:柔软的防腐蒂尔尸体显示出与患者相似的物理特征和功能排列。组织弹性允许组织扩张和放松,液体排出,并且在不造成损伤的情况下耐受数百次重复注射。学习曲线及其个体内部和个体间的动态迄今为止还没有在Thiel尸体模拟器上测量,使用掌握学习和专门的实践教育范式,再加上验证的定量指标,如检查表、眼球跟踪指标和自评分数。目的:我们的主要目标是测量在柔软的防腐Thiel尸体上反复进行3小时训练的斜角间块扫描和针刺阶段的学习斜率。方法:共有30名麻醉医师,具有广泛的经验,在2具软防腐Thiel尸体左侧进行了长达3小时的60次超声引导斜角间阻滞。 The duration of the scanning and needling phases was defined as the time taken to perform all the steps correctly. The primary outcome was the best-fit linear slope of the log-log transformed time to complete each phase. Our secondary objectives were to measure preprocedural psychometrics, describe deviations from the learning slope, correlate scanning and needling phase data, characterize skills according to clinical grade, measure learning curves using objective eye gaze tracking and subjective self-rating measures, and use cluster analysis to categorize performance irrespective of grade. Results: The median (IQR; range) log-log learning slopes were −0.47 (−0.62 to −0.32; −0.96 to 0.30) and −0.23 (−0.34 to −0.19; −0.71 to 0.27) during the scanning and needling phases, respectively. Locally Weighted Scatterplot Smoother curves showed wide variability in within-participant performance. The learning slopes of the scanning and needling phases correlated: ρ=0.55 (0.23-0.76), P<.001, and ρ=−0.72 (−0.46 to −0.87), P<.001, respectively. Eye gaze fixation count and glance count during the scanning and needling phases best reflected block duration. Using clustering techniques, fixation count and glance were used to identify 4 distinct patterns of learning behavior. Conclusions: We quantified learning slopes by log-log transformation of the time taken to complete the scanning and needling phases of interscalene blocks and identified intraindividual and interindividual patterns of variability. SN - 2369-3762 UR - https://mededu.www.mybigtv.com/2022/3/e32840 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/32840 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35543314 DO - 10.2196/32840 ID - info:doi/10.2196/32840 ER -