@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / medinform。3669,作者=“Par{\'e}, Guy和Trudel, Marie-Claude和Forget, Pascal”,标题=“私人医疗实践中电子预订的采用、使用和影响:加拿大一个为期两年的展示项目的混合方法评估”,期刊=“JMIR Med Inform”,年=“2014”,月=“Sep”,日=“24”,卷=“2”,数=“2”,页=“e24”,关键词=“电子预订”;医疗实践;初级保健;错过了预约;混合方法评价研究”,摘要=“背景:管理私人医疗实践和门诊护理设置的预约是一个复杂的过程。可以实施各种策略来减少错过的预约。允许患者在线安排和管理医疗预约的电子预约系统代表了这样一种策略。为了更好地支持寻求向病人提供电子预约服务的临床医生,加拿大卫生当局最近投资了一个涉及六家私人医疗诊所的示范项目。目的:本研究的目标有三个:(1)衡量每个诊所在2年内对电子预约系统的采用和使用情况,(2)评估患者对使用该系统的特点和好处的看法,(3)衡量电子预约系统对每个诊所错过预约数量的影响。 Methods: A mixed-methods approach was adopted in this study. We first extracted and analyzed raw data from the e-booking system deployed in each of the medical practices to monitor adoption and use of the system over time and to assess the impact of the system on the number of missed appointments. Second, we conducted a Web-based survey of patients' perceptions in the spring of 2013. Results: The patients and physicians targeted by this showcase project showed a growing interest in the e-booking system as the number of users, time slots made available by physicians, and online appointments grew steadily over time. The great majority of patients said that they appreciated the system mainly because of the benefits they derived from it, namely, scheduling flexibility, time savings, and automated reminders that prevented forgotten appointments. Importantly, our findings suggest that the system's automated reminders help significantly reduce the number of missed appointments. Conclusions: E-booking systems seem to represent a win-win solution for patients and physicians in private medical practices. We encourage researchers to replicate and extend our work in other primary care settings in order to test the generalizability of our findings. ", issn="2291-9694", doi="10.2196/medinform.3669", url="http://medinform.www.mybigtv.com/2014/2/e24/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/medinform.3669", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25600414" }