面向大型医院的多源异构数据集成和海量高维数据治理的大数据医疗保健平台卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析设计、开发与应用王a,李宓晔,郑社宇,李涛,石楠,卓青科,丁学军,黄仁鑫,黄勇,教育部四川大学华西医院医疗信息技术工程研究中心,四川省成都市武侯区国学路37号华西医院信息中心,610041,86 18980601030;huangyong@wchscu.cn %K医疗大数据平台%K多源%K异构%K数据集成%K数据治理%K数据应用%K数据安全%K数据质量控制%K大数据%K数据科学%K医学信息学%K医疗保健%D 2022 %7 13.4.2022 %9原文%J JMIR Med Inform %G英文%X随着数据密集型科学的到来,大数据科学与医疗健康的全面融合,将给中国医学界带来一场跨领域的革命。大数据这个概念不仅代表一种技术,也代表一种资源和一种方法。无论是在国家层面还是在医疗机构层面,大数据都被视为重要的战略资源,因此医疗大数据平台的建设受到高度重视。目的:为某大型医院开发和实施大数据平台,解决多源异构数据的标准化集成、计算、存储和治理难题,保障医疗数据安全。方法:2017年启动四川大学华西医院大数据平台建设项目。四川大学华西医院大数据平台从2008年1月开始对医院各科室数据进行提取、整合和治理。采用主从模式实现多源异构海量数据的实时集成,构建异构特征数据存储与计算过程分离的环境。 A business-based metadata model was improved for data quality control, and a standardized health care data governance system and scientific closed-loop data security ecology were established. Results: After 3 years of design, development, and testing, the West China Hospital of Sichuan University big data platform was formally brought online in November 2020. It has formed a massive multidimensional data resource database, with more than 12.49 million patients, 75.67 million visits, and 8475 data variables. Along with hospital operations data, newly generated data are entered into the platform in real time. Since its launch, the platform has supported more than 20 major projects and provided data service, storage, and computing power support to many scientific teams, facilitating a shift in the data support model—from conventional manual extraction to self-service retrieval (which has reached 8561 retrievals per month). Conclusions: The platform can combine operation systems data from all departments and sections in a hospital to form a massive high-dimensional high-quality health care database that allows electronic medical records to be used effectively and taps into the value of data to fully support clinical services, scientific research, and operations management. The West China Hospital of Sichuan University big data platform can successfully generate multisource heterogeneous data storage and computing power. By effectively governing massive multidimensional data gathered from multiple sources, the West China Hospital of Sichuan University big data platform provides highly available data assets and thus has a high application value in the health care field. The West China Hospital of Sichuan University big data platform facilitates simpler and more efficient utilization of electronic medical record data for real-world research. %M 35416792 %R 10.2196/36481 %U https://medinform.www.mybigtv.com/2022/4/e36481 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/36481 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35416792