%0期刊文章%@ 2291- 9694% I JMIR出版物%V 9%卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 N 4% P e22734 %T基于社交媒体评论的COVID-19大流行所产生的健康、心理社会和社会问题:文本挖掘和主题分析方法Oyebode,Oladapo %A Ndulue,Chinenye %A Adib,Ashfaq %A Mulchandani,Dinesh %A Suruliraj,Banuchitra %A Orji,Fidelia Anulika %A Chambers,Christine T %A Meier,Sandra %A Orji,Rita +达尔豪斯大学计算机科学学院,Halifax大学大道6050号,NS, B3H 1W5,加拿大,1 902 494 2093,oladapo.oyebode@dal.ca %K社交媒体%K COVID-19 %K冠状病毒%K信息流行病学%K信息监测%K自然语言处理%K文本挖掘%K专题分析%K干预措施%K健康问题%K心理社会问题%K社会问题%D 2021 %7 6.4.2021 %9原始论文%J JMIR Med Inform %G英语%X背景:COVID-19大流行造成了一场影响人类生活许多方面的全球健康危机。在缺乏疫苗和抗病毒药物的情况下,为了控制COVID-19的传播,已经实施了一些行为改变和政策举措,如保持身体距离。社交媒体数据可以揭示公众对全球政府和卫生机构如何应对大流行的看法,以及疾病对不同地理位置的人们的影响,这与阻碍或促进全球大流行控制努力的各种因素相一致。目的:本文旨在利用社交媒体数据调查COVID-19大流行对全球人民的影响。方法:我们应用自然语言处理(NLP)和主题分析,利用社交媒体数据了解COVID-19大流行的公众舆论、经验和问题。首先,我们从Twitter、Facebook、YouTube和三个在线论坛收集了超过4700万条与covid -19相关的评论。其次,我们进行了数据预处理,其中包括应用NLP技术来清理和准备自动关键短语提取的数据。第三,我们应用NLP方法从100多万条随机选择的评论中提取有意义的关键短语,并为每个关键短语计算情感得分,并使用基于词汇的技术根据得分分配情感极性(即积极、消极或中性)。 Fourth, we grouped related negative and positive key phrases into categories or broad themes. Results: A total of 34 negative themes emerged, out of which 15 were health-related issues, psychosocial issues, and social issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic from the public perspective. Some of the health-related issues were increased mortality, health concerns, struggling health systems, and fitness issues; while some of the psychosocial issues were frustrations due to life disruptions, panic shopping, and expression of fear. Social issues were harassment, domestic violence, and wrong societal attitude. In addition, 20 positive themes emerged from our results. Some of the positive themes were public awareness, encouragement, gratitude, cleaner environment, online learning, charity, spiritual support, and innovative research. Conclusions: We uncovered various negative and positive themes representing public perceptions toward the COVID-19 pandemic and recommended interventions that can help address the health, psychosocial, and social issues based on the positive themes and other research evidence. These interventions will help governments, health professionals and agencies, institutions, and individuals in their efforts to curb the spread of COVID-19 and minimize its impact, and in reacting to any future pandemics. %M 33684052 %R 10.2196/22734 %U https://medinform.www.mybigtv.com/2021/4/e22734 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/22734 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33684052