@Article{info:doi/10.2196/10735,作者=“Apolin{\ \ a}rio-Hagen, Jennifer and Harrer, Mathias and K{\ \ a}hlke, Fanny and Fritsche, Lara and Salewski, Christel and Ebert, David Daniel”,标题=“公众对基于互联网的引导疗法的态度:基于网络的调查研究”,期刊=“JMIR Ment Health”,年=“2018”,月=“5”,日=“15”,卷=“5”,数=“2”,页=“e10735”,关键词=“心理健康”;电子健康;对电脑的态度;病人的偏好;认知疗法;保健的可接受性;心理压力;背景:互联网干预已被提出,以提高循证心理治疗的可及性和使用率。然而,人们对这种疗法的态度知之甚少,这可能是使用它们的一个重要障碍。目的:本研究旨在(1)确定人们对指导性网络干预的态度;(2)与其他基于互联网的干预形式相比,评估其可接受性;(3)探索可接受性的预测因素。 Methods: A convenience-sample Web-based survey (N=646) assessed attitudes toward guided internet therapies (ie, perceived usefulness and helpfulness, and advantage relative to face-to-face therapy), preferences for delivery modes (ie, e-preference: guided internet interventions, unguided internet interventions, or videoconferencing psychotherapy), and potential predictors of attitudes and preferences: sociodemographics, help-seeking--related variables, attachment style, and perceived stress. Results: Although most participants perceived internet interventions as useful or helpful (426/646, 65.9{\%}), a few indicated their advantage relative to face-to-face therapy (56/646, 8.7{\%}). Most participants preferred guided internet interventions (252/646, 39.0{\%}) over videoconferencing psychotherapy (147/646, 22.8{\%}), unguided internet interventions (124/646, 19.2{\%}), and not using internet interventions (121/646, 18.8{\%}; missing data: 1/646, 0.2{\%}). Attachment avoidance and stress were related to e-preference (all P<.05). Moreover, preference for therapist-guided internet interventions was higher for individuals who were aware of internet-based treatment ($\chi$26=12.8; P=.046). Conclusions: Participants assessed therapist-guided internet interventions as helpful, but not equivalent to face-to-face therapies. The vast majority (523/646, 81.0{\%}) of the participants were potentially willing to use internet-based approaches. In lieu of providing patients with only one specific low-intensity treatment, implementation concepts should offer several options, including guided internet interventions, but not limited to them. Conversely, our results also indicate that efforts should focus on increasing public knowledge about internet interventions, including information about their effectiveness, to promote acceptance and uptake. ", issn="2368-7959", doi="10.2196/10735", url="http://mental.www.mybigtv.com/2018/2/e10735/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/10735", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29764797" }