一种新颖的移动工具(Somatomap)来评估身体图像感知试点测试与时卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析尚模特和非模特:横切片研究Ralph-Nearman,Christina %A Arevian,Armen C %A Puhl,Maria %A Kumar,Rajay %A Villaroman,Diane %A Suthana,Nanthia %A Feusner,Jamie D %A Khalsa,Sahib S %+ Laureate脑研究所,美国塔尔萨耶鲁大道6655号,OK, 74133, 1 918 502 5100,ChristinaRalphNearman@gmail.com %K身体形象%K身体感知%K身体表征%K身体形象障碍%K饮食障碍%K移动健康%K心理健康%K移动应用%K数字健康%D 2019 %7 29.10.2019 %9原始论文%J JMIR Ment health %G英语%X背景:一般来说,对身体和外观的扭曲感知是包括神经性厌食症和身体畸形障碍在内的几种精神疾病的核心特征,并在非临床人群中不同程度地发生。然而,鉴于身体形象知觉的主观性和多种表现形式,评估它具有挑战性。目前可用的方法有几个局限性,包括评估特定身体区域的感知能力有限。为了解决这些限制,我们创建了Somatomap,这是一种移动工具,使个人能够直观地表示他们对身体部分大小和形状的感知,以及身体关注的区域,并记录关注的情绪效价。目的:本研究旨在开发并试点测试一种用于评估2D和3D身体图像感知的新型移动工具的可行性。方法:我们开发了一个由人体模型组成的移动2D工具,参与者可以在该工具上概述身体关注的区域,并指出关注的性质、强度和情绪效价。我们还开发了一种移动3D工具,由一个角色组成,参与者可以在角色上选择身体的各个部位,并使用滑块来操作它们的大小和形状。 The tool was pilot tested on 103 women: 65 professional fashion models, a group disproportionately exposed to their own visual appearance, and 38 nonmodels from the general population. Acceptability was assessed via a usability rating scale. To identify areas of body concern in 2D, topographical body maps were created by combining assessments across individuals. Statistical body maps of group differences in body concern were subsequently calculated using the formula for proportional z-score. To identify areas of body concern in 3D, participants’ subjective estimates from the 3D avatar were compared to corresponding measurements of their actual body parts. Discrepancy scores were calculated based on the difference between the perceived and actual body parts and evaluated using multivariate analysis of covariance. Results: Statistical body maps revealed different areas of body concern between models (more frequently about thighs and buttocks) and nonmodels (more frequently about abdomen/waist). Models were more accurate at estimating their overall body size, whereas nonmodels tended to underestimate the size of individual body parts, showing greater discrepancy scores for bust, biceps, waist, hips, and calves but not shoulders and thighs. Models and nonmodels reported high ease-of-use scores (8.4/10 and 8.5/10, respectively), and the resulting 3D avatar closely resembled their actual body (72.7% and 75.2%, respectively). Conclusions: These pilot results suggest that Somatomap is feasible to use and offers new opportunities for assessment of body image perception in mobile settings. Although further testing is needed to determine the applicability of this approach to other populations, Somatomap provides unique insight into how humans perceive and represent the visual characteristics of their body. %M 31469647 %R 10.2196/14115 %U http://mental.www.mybigtv.com/2019/10/e14115/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/14115 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31469647