期刊文章JMIR出版物采用基于视频的综合精神卫生保健的意向及其支持者的卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析特点应用创新扩散理论在全科医生中的混合方法研究%A Haun,Markus W %A Stephan,Isabella %A Wensing,Michel %A Hartmann,Mechthild %A Hoffmann,Mariell %A Friederich,Hans-Christoph %+海德堡大学全科医学和心生理学系,Im Neuenheimer Feld 410,海德堡,D-69120,德国,49 622156 ext 8774,markus.haun@med.uni-heidelberg.de %K视频会诊%K视频会议%K远程医疗%K综合护理%K心理健康%K实施前%K创新扩散%K早期采集者%K混合方法%K累积logit模型%K含量分析%D 2020 %7 15.10.2020 %9原稿背景:大多数患有常见精神障碍的人,包括那些患有严重精神疾病的人,都接受全科治疗。以精神卫生专家视频咨询(MHSVC)为特色的基于视频的综合护理模式促进了专家精神卫生保健的参与。然而,全科医生(gp)的潜在吸收尚不清楚。目的:本混合方法实施前研究旨在评估全科医生在实践中采用MHSVC的意向,确定早期采用意向的预测因子(定量链),并基于创新扩散理论(DOI)理论(定性链)对早期采用意向的全科医生进行表征。方法:采用趋同平行设计,对177名gp进行调查,并对5名早期采用者和1名非采用者进行焦点小组和个人访谈。我们通过累积logit模型确定了对具有比例赔率结构的数据的有序多类别响应的预测因子。共有2名编码人员独立分析了定性数据,得出了5个早期采用者的共同特征。我们解释了定性发现,说明了DOI的一般采用者类别。 Results: This study found that about one in two GPs (87/176, 49.4%) assumed that patients would benefit from an MHSVC service model, about one in three GPs (62/176, 35.2%) intended to adopt such a model, the availability of a designated room was the only significant predictor of intent to adopt in GPs (β=2.03, SE 0.345, P<.001), supporting GPs expected to save time and took a solution-focused perspective on the practical implementation of MHSVC, and characteristics of supporting and nonsupporting GPs in the context of MHSVC corresponded well with the generalized adopter categories conceptualized in the DOI. Conclusions: A significant proportion of GPs may function as early adopters and key stakeholders to facilitate the spread of MHSVC. Indeed, our findings correspond well with increasing utilization rates of telehealth in primary care and specialist health care services (eg, mental health facilities and community-based, federally qualified health centers in the United States). Future work should focus on specific measures to foster the intention to adopt among hesitant GPs. %M 33055058 %R 10.2196/23660 %U http://mental.www.mybigtv.com/2020/10/e23660/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/23660 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33055058